Sky Stone


Sky Stone

Historical Information
Plane Material Plane
Location Ikoval
Physical Properties
Type Ore
Colour Chalky White
  • Creation of Solar Steel
  • Divine Communion
  • Storing Magical Energy

Sky Stone is a ore with properties relating to the transfer and storage of magic, found in the mountains of Ikoval. Advancements made by Vincent Atanasoff around it's possible uses, make it highly desired by many groups in the world.


Sky Stone is a white, chalky rock, that is quire soft. While not magical by itself, it is able to interact with magic in unique ways, which cannot be explained. While hard to smelt using conventional means, it can be liquified in the prescense of heat and strong magical fields, becoming glowing white when molten. In this state it can be used for a variety of application, such as the creation of alloys and crystallisation into a transparent, glass-like state.


The exact origins of Sky Stone are unknown, but it is thought to form, when lightning strikes the peaks near Grumpad, transforming the rock into this new material. The primary sources are in the mountaintops south and west of Grumpad, where it is harvested by a number of mining guilds.


Sky Stone was thought to be largely useless, with the only notable application being the creation of Solar Steel, where only minimal amounts were required. Thanks to the work of Vincent Atanasoff and his grandfather, it has become apparent that Sky Stone has a vast array of application in magical craftsmanship.


The Sky Stone, can be used to enhance a divine practitioner's connection to their deity, allowing for clearer and more frequent communication. It is shown to react differently to the energies of each god, adapting somewhat to their domain.

Solar Steel

The first discovered use of the material was the creation of Solar Steel. In the Solar Forges of Moratopp, priests of Pelor and Morradin would work together to infuse molten steel, combined with small parts of Sky Stone, with their divine energy. The resulting metal took the name Solar Steel and exhibited magical properties. These would usually be nothing particularly special, except in certain cases, when the magic of the weapon would be significantly more potent. The greatest of these items were the Peladin Weapons, named after the two gods whose magic infused them.

Magic Conduit

The simples and yet greatest use of Sky Stone, is it's ability to store raw magical energy while it it's liquid form. The resulting substance would be highly unstable and if agitated, could produce and explosive blast greater than what the magic stored in it would suggest. Vincent Atanasoff found a way to make it safer to use, by storing it in canisters made of glass created from the Sky Stone itself. To the ends of those, caps made of metal which also contained Sky Stone, would be attached and magic could be conducted through the end of the caps.