Quiggly Cartwright


Quiggly Cartwright


Artist: Ecosixth
Character Information
Name Quiggly Cartwright
Creature Type Humanoid / Construct
Race Clockwork Construct
Class Wizard (School of Illusion) 20
Age 94
Alignment Chaotic Good
Languages Celestial, Common, Elvish, Gnomish
Places Colchester (Home)
Family Hector Blanchnetta (Creator)

Quiggly Cartwright, is a clockwork construct wizard, who was created by Hector Blanchnetta and a founding member of the adventuring party known as the Order of the Brown Dragon.



Quiggly general appearance looks like a human but some areas point towards a different origin. Quiggly’s proportions are more akin to an average human of 180cm in height that was scaled down to 140cm. His short and messy light blue hair and emerald eyes give away his more abnormal heritage, especially for someone who notices the moving cogs behind his eyes or the ever-present ticking noise that emits from his clockwork insides.

His attire matches his profession, covered in magical equipment to aid his day to day wizarding duties. Elven Chain, Robe of Useful Items and Eyes of Minute Seeing outfitting of his magical clothing, to then be combined with his apprentice wizarding outfit that he still cherishes from his early days.

The major magical items being the two staffs on his back, Staff of Illusionary Studies and Staff of Thunder and Lightning, with the floating divine artefact book that orbit’s Quiggly known as the Tome of Ioun being the greatest show of his achievements and prowess.


Quiggly’s limitless curiosity stems from his many years of being cooped up in the Colchester Mage’s Guild for close to 70 years. Undeterred by the members of the guild, this curiosity drove him to escape from the guild and travel north on his personal journey of self discovery. Because of his escape and the fear of being caught, Quiggly developed a more secretive and secluded personality, making sure that no-one would suspect he is anything more than weirdly short human, or strangely tall gnome.

Laying low did allow Quiggly to hone his skills in the illusion school of magic, taking a love in its nature. Though at this point feeling self-conscious and alone in the world, paranoid that anyone around him could be in league with the Mage’s Guild and certaint that their illusion magic would be superior to his own, even given Quiggly’s natural skill in the craft.

After his meeting with the early members of the order, he learned to open up to the group and trust them with his life. They, in turn helped him achieve his goals and find new ones. Wishing to something in return for his new friends and aid them through his magic, he focused more on his studies. This early period before traveling back to Colchester is what brought back Quiggly’s thirst for curiosity and a desire to make a difference - something he was stifled from doing early on in his life.

This dedication to the friends around him and the people that he saved started to solidify into an unconscious drive to protect those who were close and retaliate to those who hurt them. This feeling of responsibility was partially caused by his desire to disprove those who deemed him a forbidden creation. He felt guilt for the actions of his predecessors - the construct army of ancient Temeria and wanted to compensate for their wrongs, by preventing future disasters.



Quiggly was built on 29th of Kenner in the Year 682 of the 4th Era, by Hector Blanchnetta to the dismay of the Colchester Mage’s Guild. Quickly exiling Hector for his taboo research, they held Quiggly in an anti-wizard cell, reasoning that it was for the best of the public for this breakthrough to not see the light of day. During his time in the guild, Quiggly managed to gain enough favour to be able to lend books out of the guild library, easily picking up the arcane and progressing their knowledge of the subject without being able to test it due to their current predicament.

Quiggly got his first real chance to escape 88 years into his imprisonment, managing to take advantage of a gap in the guard scheduling and managing to slip out whilst the cell was getting maintained. Grabbing what he could from the spare equipment on site, he fled the city with his first lead on finding his father, he needed to find Maldor who had also fled the city.

Slowly making his way to Isoks stopping between any town he would claim to be looking to gather more arcane knowledge and spells, he actually would actually be practicing hiding his clockwork nature to blend in the best he could. Getting surprisingly good at it to the point, he would start to stay in taverns with some amount of comfort. Eventually getting to his first destination on his journey, he decided to stay at the Dragon's Scar tavern for the evening before trying to find Maldor.

Arc 1: End with arriving at Colchester

Arc 2: Doing Quests in Colchester and looking into portal

Arc 3: Begins after meeting Lex, Includes Blue Dragon Fight, Templeton 2.0, Lex Fight

Arc 4: Mummy, Asmodium's Tower, Calu and the Five,

Arc 5: Gazzerel Lord of the Woods, Hector,





Not knowing a lot about his father/creator during his time in the Colchester Mage’s guild, Quiggly had a somewhat idealised view of the outcast artificer. Brave, willing to push the limits, genius, misjudged by the guild were all descriptions Quiggly had assumed about his father.

Finally meeting his “hero” crashed him back down to the material plane. Hector being overly aggressive towards the Order on their first meeting could at least be accounted for by his exile reasoned Quiggly. Hector hiding in an ex-place of worship to Vecna, well maybe that would be the last place the guild would think to find him, plus he was happy enough to allow the order to destroy the altar. But then the way he assumed that Quiggly was a failure couldn’t be easily reasoned away. The final blow being that once Sar pointed out that Quiggly, not only the spark of life but a soul. Hector leaped at the chance and asked to dismantle Quiggly, it would only be to study his creation was provided by Hector, he wanted to know how Quiggly had a soul so he could create an entire race. But that was the nail in the coffin, walking out of Hector’s base of operations, dejected and upset, the illusion of his father broken.

Following on from this, Hector did apologise to Quiggly many times and eventually Quiggly did forgive his father but still puts up a mental distance in their relationship in an effort to prevent further heartbreak. He now sees his father as a flawed man on the correct path to right his wrongs, especially with help towards the order’s efforts, but sees the order member’s as better family than he could ever be.



Initially only seeing Kalen as a cleric in need, Quiggly quickly grew to have a curiosity into Kalen’s life as a worshiper of a god as it hadn’t occurred to him beforehand to look into the pantheon. Upon helping him slay a cambion, Quiggly was secretly overjoyed by Kalen’s decision to join the order, being able to strengthen the group but more importantly fill up Quiggly’s found family after Varen had left, Popov disappeared and Murmer had fallen.

Learning more and more of Kalen’s past only made Quiggly see the undying determination to uproot the wrongdoings in his home, Stormgamalbondgard, cementing the idea that Kalen being the definition of the hero who defends for the good and defeats the bad. With the guidance given from Kalen compounded with obtaining the Tome of Ioun, Quiggly chose to not worship but see Ioun as his own pateron god.

If pushed to answer, Quiggly would admit that Kalen would be the cool childhood friend in his found family. Happy to spend any time with him from their time as an adventuring duo whilst Sar had traveled back to his monastery, determined to match the achievements that Kalen shown.



Character Information

Arcane Exploits

In the years of Quiggly's adventures with the Order of the Brown Dragon, Quiggly has not only created many spells but pushed the boundaries of existing spells. Whilst he hasn't officially used every one of the below exploits, the ideas behind them have somewhat tested in private to assure they are possible.

Glyph Demiplane


Due to the nature of


Additional Notes

Haste Stun Glyphs



Additional Notes

Party-wide Contingencies


Normally a Contingency cannot be casted on anyone else but yourself. However, storing a Contingency in a Glyph of Warding allows the target of the spell to be the person who triggers the Glyph and as such you are able to provide Contingency’s to non-caster’s.


Additional Notes

Simulacrums of the Brown Dragon



Additional Notes

Personal Quests

Notable Items


Notable Spells



Quiggly is the greatest arcane practitioner in the Order of the Brown Dragon and perhaps even the world. He is unmatched in the breadth, versatility and potency of his spells and can find a solution to just about any problem he faces. He is the foremost expert on illusion magic, capable of manifesting his illusions into reality, at a large scale. One of his favourite approaches is warping the nature of thousands of square meters of terrain to his heart's content, isolating or immolating enemies. His studies have made him a polymath, knowledgeable in most sciences and the Tome of Ioun allows him to gather information on any topic in existence. His one weakness, would be his frailty in a close fight. While he could deflect or avoid some attacks, a dedicated assault will put him on the back foot.

Second Soul

Like the rest of the Order, Quiggly's soul was permanently altered by his experiences in the Old World. The manifestation of Quiggly's souls is a mystery even to gods such as Teskus and Ioun, thought it seems to be connected to the Time Lord's home plane of Mekanus. Being the one to use Teskus' staff and perform the ritual to seal away Tharizdun, Quiggly's Arcane Core, the housing of his soul, channeled large amounts of the god's power, infusing itself and eventually duplicating, to retain stability. This unexpected result, has left him with an additional core holding a new soul derived from his own.



Quiggly Beta
Art by @quinndigo on discord


Quiggly Fight
Quiggly reading himself to blast Kerslarven. Art by Ecosixth


Quiggly Fight
Quiggly dealing the killing blow to Kerslarven. Art by Ecosixth