Sardielr Koskides


Sardielr Koskides


Artist: Ecosixth
Character Information
Name Jeremy Xinja
Also known as Sardielr Koskides
Creature Type Humanoid
Race Astirum Human
Class Monk (Kensei) 20
Age 22
  • Neutral Good
  • Lawful Good (Formerly)
Languages All (spoken), Common, Draconic, Dwarvish
Places Taen Ihuig (Former Home), Colchester (Current Home)
  • Jonathan (Father)
  • Ashlyn Xinja (Older Sister)
  • Alfons Xinja (Younger Twin Brother)

Sardielr Koskides, born Jeremy Xinja, is a human monk and a member of the adventuring party known as the Order of the Brown Dragon.



Sardielr is a 191cm tall human, with short brown hair and hazel eyes. He is well built, but not bulky and has a distinct blue tattoo on his left shoulder - the draconic rune for the letter "U". An unkept mess of brown hair, kept unobtrusively short, hangs over Sar's, quite forgettable face. The only facial characteristics of note are his dimples and the ever-present smile. Despite that keen observers may notice that, his face looks youthful and boyish almost too much so - caused by a combination of his lack of facial hair and the effects of his Ki.

Sar's clothing consists of tunics, often sleeveless as well as cloth trousers. His garments often have bindings near the calves or forearms, so as to not get in the way during fights. His hands were often wrapped, but in recent times they have instead been covered by the modified fingerless gloves he attaches his Clothes of Runic Image to. Originally Sar wore a prayer beads around his neck which have since been replaced with a silver chain with a single blue gem - the Amulet of Intellect made for him by Hector Blanchnetta. Tied around his waist is the Radiant Mantle made from the fleece of Aurifaxious. Apart from his magical items, most of Sar's wardrobe is beige or brown, with the exception of the white winter clothing made with Yeti fur.


Sardielr is rather excitable and talkative. A very outgoing who often tends to lack subtlety in social situations, although that is something which has has become better at with time. As a result of his monastery's teachings Sar is very protective of his friends and would tolerate no attacks on them. Being raised for combat from a young age, Sar has a remarkable mind for combat and tactics, coming up with the majority of the Order's combat plans. Despite this, Sar prefers resolving conflicts peacefully, as much as possible, loathing needless slaughter.

Having spend most of his life in the mountains, Sar tends to lack the base level of respect for conventional people of authority - especially those who are not capable warriors. This has lead to some rocky starts to relationships - most notably with the then crown prince Estevere Beumont, whom Sar called a coward after his refusal to fight the dragons attacking Colchester due to an injury. He has since learned that leadership is another kind of strength, worthy of respect in it's own right and has come to question his Monastery's policy of choosing the strongest to lead, a view reinforced after seeing the failing of such systems throughout his travels.

When first starting off he was eager to jump into any conversation about dragonkind and had an almost obsessive compulsion with their study and more specifically meeting them. Throughout his adventures he had the opportunity to meet and battle dragons of all kinds, which has greatly changed his perspective. His worship now replaced with a scientific curiosity and even at times pity, has made him a more objective observer. Despite this he still retains an interest in dragons, their nature and concept of self, having gone as far as to question the draconic deities themselves. This interest of his has not reduced in intensity with Sar being prone to taking reckless actions to satisfy his curiosity, such as making a deal with Vecna.

His curious nature extends to more than just dragons, as Sar has picked up a variety of arts and crafts in an attempt to compensate for his otherwise combat exclusive skillset. His love of learning leads him finding teachers for himself, amongst his allies such as Hector, Delyan and J-Dok.

This continual accumulation of skill, money and success with the Order, have resulted in Sar's worldview being warped, without him realizing it. While initially uninterested in money, following his discovery of it's usefulness, Sar became intrigued by the concept, event reading a book on economic theory. The perceived ease with which he has obtained money, has clouded his perception of it's abundance, often forgetting just how unreasonably wealthy he is. The same applies to his skill in combat, making his expectation of others much too high. These two factors put together have resulted in Sar's endless confidence and inability to imagine the Order losing, often bordering on hubris.



Early life

Sardielr, then Jeremy, was born on the 4th of Mililin in the Year 752 of the 4th Era, together with his twin brother Alfons, in Maidenview. His parents, Helena Xinja and Jonathan lived in the eastern part of the city, where the lower class families could be found. Despite his mother's bloodline, the family lived a humble lifestyle, his father working at the docks and his mother taking care of the twins and their older sister Ashlyn.

Jeremy would significantly change while he was still an infant, during an outing to the Maidenview market with his mother. Agents of the Serpents of Fortune followed Helena on orders of Rishida Xinja, with the intention of killing her. She luckily noticed the tail and stashed away young Jeremy in the market, before heading into an alleyway to draw the attackers away from her child. There she met her end, however Jeremy was found by Grandmaster Eledor, who took him to the Taen Ihuig monastery.

Monastery life

Having been brought to the monastery, Jeremy, now named Sardielr by the Grandmaster, was left in the care of Master Deimon Koskides of the Way of Shadow - a mixed dragonborn of black lineage. Deimon would become a father to the young boy, and instill the school's tenets into him. Being in the personal care of one of the School Masters, Sar was allowed free reign on most of the monastery grounds, with the exception of the Grandmaster's Garden on the mountaintop. With his friends Fostod and Malkas, Sar would spend his days training, exploring the mountains and most notably - reading. The monastery's expansive library became a favoured place of the young boy, where he would read about the various types of dragons, dreaming of meeting them all one day. There he would also find the disagreements amongst the monks regarding dragons - some seeing them as beings of worship, while others as challenges to defeat.

His reading however, distracted him from practicing his Ki, leaving him unable to perform the Arts of the School of Shadow. Thanks to his natural speed and stamina he proved quite adept at open combat, but his difficulty producing external effects with his Ki left him angry, as it meant that his skills in stealth and deception (the focus of his master's school), were lacking. Going through his teenage years, the moodiness that overtook him and his frustration at his Arts, culminated in his discovery of his Wat of Duality - a state of Ki that would manifest in adolescents, brought upon by theirs unstable state of mind. Knowing that this breakthrough of his could be temporary, Sar spend the next few years preparing for this pilgrimage, away from the monastery, to meet a dragon. From his friend Fostod he learned Dwarven, as his first point of call would be the frigid dwarven town of Isoks, near which white dragons were known to dwell. Before leaving to brave the Trail, Sar asked his father for a real fight as a measure of his own strength. Suffering a thorough defeat, Sar bid his father and brothers farewell and set off on his Pilgrimage.

Arc 1: End with arriving at Colchester

Arc 2: Doing Quests in Colchester and looking into portal

Arc 3: Begins after meeting Lex, Includes Blue Dragon Fight, Templeton 2.0, Lex Fight

Arc 4: Mummy, Asmodium's Tower, Calu and the Five,

Arc 5: Gazzerel Lord of the Woods, Hector,



Sardielr first met Quiggly in Isoks, when they were captured and trapped in the sewers. Sar didn't think much of his blue haired companion at the time, he was near useless in a close scrap and his magic proved of no interest to Sar initially. One evening, after meeting a group of travelling dragonborn, Sar was keeping a watch, when he noticed the strange ticking noise coming from Quiggly. Asking him about it the following day, Sar became the first member of the party to learn of Quiggly's clockwork nature. From there they soon became fast friends.

Following their arrival at Colchester and his learning of the way that the Mage's Guild had jailed and treated his blue haired friend, Sar grew more protective of him. This experience was also the first seed of Sar's distrust towards other wizards and elevated Quiggly to the position of greatest wizard in the world in Sar's eyes. Throughout their travels together they have grown closer, to the point that Sar considers Quiggly his best friend, a bond only strengthened by the fact that they are the last 2 remaining of the original members of the Order, with Sar going as far as to become a tinkerer himself, should Quiggly need fixing. Sar thinks very highly of Quiggly, believing that there is no smarter man in the world, not a wizard capable of greater deeds, but he also understands his friend's weaknesses, although he would never point them out. Anyone who would show hostility towards Quiggly, or would fail to acknowledged him as a true person, would immediately earn Sar's ire, including Quiggly's own father - a relationship that has since been mended.

Quiggly's arcane abilities and Sar's mind for tactics have led them to collaborate on powerful new uses of spells and magic items, such as the Glyph Demiplane and the Runic Image Cloths. Their relationship did experience some strain, when Quiggly originally joined the Conclave of Arcaninsts. Sar was extremely opposed and couldn't understand why Quiggly would join those who not only imprisoned him, but who would also shelter Arcanist Saxel - the woman who tried to blow up Colchester. The feeling that his friend was being stolen by this group only further solidified Sar's hatred of the Conclave, which peaked after Saxel assisted Carcrinolas in kidnapping and killing the families of Sar and Calu. In spite of this Sar and Quiggly came to an understanding, with Quiggly helping to avenge and heal his family, saying that he would never pick the Conclave over the Order after what they had done. The wizard then promised to try to change the Arcanists for the better, but agreed that should it prove impossible Sar would have his support in dismantling them.


Kalen first appeared in Sar's world, when the cleric was looking for help defeating a cambion, a mission given to him by his guardian angel. After slaying the devil, Kalen decided to help the party prevent the Lex's takeover of Colchester and eventually joined the Order as it's first recruit. From the start Sar found Kalen's pursuit of justice and his desire to help other admirable and they got along quite well. Sar also appreciated that Kalen respected his beliefs enough not to try and convert him. From their journeying together Sar find's Kalen's morals to be the ones most closely aligned with his own.

After finding out about Stormgamalbondgard and Kalen's childhood, Sar gained further insight into Kalen's quest against evil and adopted a more hostile stance towards undead in general. Sar's hostility didn't end with the undead however, but also translated to the rulers, who had allowed Stormgamalbondgard to be created leading to a bad initial relationship with the Crown Prince. Kalen's divine magic, meant that Sar no longer had to play the part of medic for the party, as Kalen was more than capable of doing so while still fighting. As far as the source of Kalen's magic, Sar likes both Torm and Kord and appreciates, the help they have given the party directly, but has no desire to worship either of them and finds them trying to take credit for what are, in his eyes, Kalen's accomplishments, stupid.

While in general they are great friends, they do have some disagreements, with Kalen disapproving of Sar's relaxed attitude towards Tiamat. Sar does also feel a sense of guilt, when deceiving Kalen about what had happened to the Wand of Orcus. It is the cleric's potential reaction, should the truth ever come to light that worries Sar most, as he expects of all members, Kalen to be the most disappointed. Ultimately, there is no member of the Order, whose moral compass and strength Sar trusts more.


Caluprax and Sar met the dragonborn, when he jumped in to help the Order fight off a Mummy Lord in Colchester. Sar was immediately interested in Calu, due to his draconic ancestry and his pure colour. From him Sar would learn much about dragonborn society in Kokkalti and the history of the region. He was excited to find out about Unthar, but was disappointed with Calu's apparent hatred of metallic dragonkind. This prejudice of Calu's would be their biggest source of conflicts throughout their relationship. Even so, with Calu's addition, made Sar happy, the Order finally had someone who could express their ideas more smoothly, compared to his own blunt approach. Sar was one of the only people to not be put off, by the dragonborn's worship of Tiamat, as he was interested in all draconic deities, which brough the two of them closer. This was shown, when Calu chose Sar, as the person, to accompany him to the mountains, where he ascended to dragonhood. In combat the two of them would have little overlap, as Sar would often find himself deep behind enemy lines, too far to receive Calu's buffs, but he was impressed by the dragonborn's willingness to fight on the front lines. Sar respects Calu's strength, but has seen some more extreme tendencies in his friend's behaviour and ideals, and so has tried to guide him towards compromises. This culminated when he convinced Calu to push for the rights and representation of chromatic dragonborn, without completely seceding from the country, but instead choosing to co-rule with the metallic representative.


Ja'adock literally crashed into the Order's world as a shipwrecked githyanki pirate with a questionable past. Sar initially found him foolish and unserious, but quickly came to find that he was capable and driven to achieve his goals of defeating the illithids. Ja'adock was even more of a stranger to the civilized parts of Velinde than Sar was and required a lot of adjustments to his behaviour, especially around violence and stealing. Sar has since found what makes Ja'adock tick and finds the man very capable when directed correctly and the two of them would often be paired for infiltration missions and combat behind enemy lines. Still, his often reckless attitude sometime gives Sar pause, such as Ja'adock charging at Kerslarven alone and getting himself reduced to a pile of ash. Even so, Sar has a deep trust in Ja'adock and wouldn't think twice about relying on him in matters of life and death. However, when it comes to more conventional displays of responsibility, such as watching the house, or a pet, he wouldn't trust him as far as he could throw him.


Delyan was the first recruit the Order had since Kalen and his membership in the Conclave made Sar more than a little suspicious. He suspected Delyan to be a possible spy for the wizards and was weary of what they shared with him. Eventually Sar confronted him directly and after Delyan denied it, Sar decided to trust him, warning him that should he have lied, he would kill him. From there Sar started gaining respect for the tiefling and was very intrigued by his bladesong, which he found oddly similar to his own application of Ki. Sar was impressed with how different Delyan's usage of arcane magic was to Quiggly's and found it much more similar to his own fighting style, eventually asking Delyan to serve as his teacher. From him, Sar learned about the fundamentals of arcane theory and even picked up the basics of the bladesong. Sar appreciates Delyan, as a much needed cool head, in a group of extremely passionate individuals. For that reason. he did his best to convince the man to leave the Conclaive to found his own school as part of the Order.

Character Information

Personal Quests

Notable Items



Sardielr is a lighting-fast fighter, who relies in his speed to be near-omnipresent on the battlefield, isolating enemies or helping allies. He excels in a one-on-one fight, where he makes up for his relatively lacking damage peak, with consistency and stunning blows. Despite, his appearance, he is the true defensive powerhouse, in the Order, being near impossible to hit and able to take blows better than even his friends, capable of assuming the forms of dragons and giants. Outside of combat, he has mastered multiple crafts, foremost amongst those being his calligraphy and alchemical skills. His weakness, is the complete inability in dealing with large crowds, though he has made effort to rectify it, through clever use of theRunic Papers, devised by himself and Quiggly.

Splintered Soul

Unlike the rest of the Order, Sardielr's soul was not altered by his experiences in the Old World, due to his internal mastery of Ki. Even this, however, could not save it from the effects of direct contact with Tharizdun. While striking at the dark god, in order to protect Sardior, Sar's soul was permanently damaged to the point of almost tearing apart. This resulted in his constitution being greatly reduced, making him much more frail. However, there was a surprising side-effect from this - his, now diminished, soul had become almost-decoupled from his body and made much more malleable, to the point of allowing him to manifest a second body using Ki and inhabiting both at once. Unlike a Simulacrum, this was not a copy of Sar, but rather second body, both of which were controlled by the same soul. This body could be manifested at any location that Sar has visited, regardless of distance or plane of existence.

