Draconic Crisis
New Blood
Over a year, since the Order of the Brown Dragon had saved Colchester from the devils's plans, Sardielr Koskides returned to the city, following his stay at Taen Ihuig. He finds Colchester changed from how he had left it. Quiggly Cartwright and Kalen Hornraven's efforts over the year, had not gone unnoticed and the name of the Order had spread. The city itself was also different. Strict security could be found of the gates, logging every magic item entering or leaving the city. The Mages' Guild had lost their standing, after Magi Ardrelle's involvement coming to light and they were in disarray. Sardielr himself had changed, having developed a new Martial Discipline during his year in the mountains. The Order reunited at their house, where they shared stories and Sar was told of Panis's departure. Suddenly there was a scream from the street and the party went to investigate the commotion. In a public square near their house was a Mummy Lord - the same one whose tomb they had raided over a year ago. The three of them leaped into action while the crowds scattered. A couple of people from amongst the crow however, remained and joined the fight - a well-dressed dragonborn of pure white with a wide brimmed hat and aristocratic bearing and a shifty looking man. After the Mummy's defeat they introduced themselves as Caluprax Fiampheacnerruath and Wesley and they were hoping to join the Order.
Asmodium's tower
At some point in the previous year, a door had appeared in the attic of the Order's house. The door seemingly, leading to nowhere, revealed itself to be a portal to the Astral Sea. Each person to cross it's threshold, would be afflicted with the Feeblemind spell. They would come out on an island in the Astral Sea with only one feature - a tall tower rising at one end. The Order had decided to investigate the tower and they entered. In the tower they were faced with three statues, each of a different animal. Before them stood an elf who introduced himself as Serv. He had been bound to service to the wizard Asmodium for the last 5000 years and this was his master's tower. He warned them that there are dangers ahead, but told them they were otherwise free to explore, pointing to the statues behind him. When touched, each transported them to a different room, which would have the same three statues on the other end. The rooms themselves varied in content, from mundane(libraries, living rooms, baths), to weird(room containing and awakened goat), to deadly(helmed horror,iron golem, beholder). In one room, the party were brought face to face with a Medusa, whose petrifying gaze, immediately found its way to Wesley, turning him to stone. Unable to reverse the curse, even after defeating the Medusa, the party was forced to leave him there. An Erinyes guarded the final room - the great wizard Asmodium's personal quarters. After defeating her, the party questioned her and found out that she had made a deal with Asmodium to guard the tower, but now that she had been defeated, it was void. Kalen took her magical rope from her, and they slayed her, returning her soul to the Nine Hells. In the final room, the party found many great treasures, most notably Asmodium's Staff of Flame, and a spellbook containing his personal spells. A note in the book revealed that the wizard had headed to a location within the place of Pandemonium - the Tower of Eternal Madness. As they returned to the tower's lobby, the group heard a loud crashing sound coming from outside. There they found a small astral skiff had crashed into the island, throwing it's occupier to the ground - a githyanki pirate calledJa'adock Zaar. Ja'adock, needed a way out of the Astral, to escape a group that was hunting him. After some talking he decided to go with the party and help them, hoping it would lead to to his own goal - finding a weapon capable of killing a Nautoloid.
Party ???
Now back in Colchester, the party was visited by a friend of theirs - Sebastian Vettel. The captain greeted them and told them and told them about some of the things happening in the city. The Crown Prince was in the city, taking control, after the deaths of the councilmembers. There was also a former general from Kokkalti, a red dragonborn called Maximilian Anagos, who had been sent to lead the Mages' Guild, as Ardrelle's replacement. Both of these people had travelled to Colcheter from the east and had faced an ambush by bandits. Lead by a man, calling himself Gazzarel, Lord of the Woods, they were made to pay a "toll", before they would be allowed to proceed. The ability to threaten the royal escort, spoke to the danger posed by this new "bandit lord".
The Five, Prince's rapier, Five Underground Temple base, Maximilian (Mage), Prince was taxed by Gazzarel
Calu's addition to the party filled a large hole in their skillset - social skills. Sar and Kalen's direct approaches were not always the best course of action in more sensitive situations and so when the opportunity to infiltrate the Five came up, Calu was sent to the meeting. He met with a representative in a tavern. The man was a muddy-red coloured Dragonborn called Zekem, who was working for one of the leaders of the Five - the Historian. To prove that he was not a spy, Calu was asked to steal an item belonging to the Crown Prince, his family's rapier. Thanks to the Order's friends in the guard, a meeting was arranged between Calu and the prince. This would be the first meeting between any of the Order's members and the man who would one day rule Medora. There Calu used his fey-enhanced abilities, to convince the prince to lend him the rapier, which he would return. With the rapier in tow, he dropped it off at a pre-arranged spot. A few days later, he received a message from Zekem, while in a tavern. Impressed with Calu's skills he wanted to meet. After their rendezvous, he lead him through a series of secret underground tunnels, which existed beneath Colchester. Eventually they reached a door bearing the symbol of Erathis. Zekem explained that this was an ancient temple to the goddess and also served as their local headquarters. He was given a tour and introduced to the many other members. The most notable thing to Calu however, was the ancient teleportation circle in the back, which would allow anyone with the rune key to teleport beneath Colchester undetected. Zekem explained that the reason they wanted someone affiliated with the Order, was to recover an item that they had stolen from the Five a year ago - a dragon headed key. According to the Historian, there were seven keys, which locked away something of great significance. It was the Historian's ultimate goal to acquire them. When Calu asked what it was that the keys protected, Zekem grabbed a piece of paper and wrote the answer on it. He explained to Calu, that each person who read the paper would see a different answer, something caused by the key's magic. When Calu read it, he learned they would head to the Forge of Dwarven heroes, whereas to Zekem, it said they held an ancient Lich. As they were finishing their conversation, the rest of the Order, who had been making their way through the maze-like tunnels, reached the temple. Combat began and the Order defeated the the members of the Five, capturing a number of them. Looking through the temple for any leads, they found a letter of correspondence between Zekem and the Historian, where the Historian let him know he had a lead for where the next key was and was following it.
Travel and meet Gazzarel while going to Covanport
Return and deal with Meteor with Lava elemental, save weaver's daughter
Visit Flottyem to find Hector
Getting Kelmar
While in Colchester, the group received word of a Giant causing trouble in the north-west. They travelled to a village in the mountains, where they were told a Cloud Giant was eating their livestock and killing people. A local boy was the last to see the Giant and had followed him to his lair. Taking the boy on as a guide, the party eventually travelled high into the mountains before reaching the Giant's lair, near one of the peaks. When they called out to the giant, he warned them to leave, as he was Borislav, son of Vusbar the Mighty, bearer of Kelmar and chosen of Kord. While the party was denouncing his actions and telling him to leave the village alone, the giant started walking towards them and in his hurry trampled the boy from the village. His only reaction was indifference and upon seeing this, the party attacked. Borislav fought his best, but seeing that he was no match for the Order, he began to flee. Furious at the giant's action, Kalen raised his hand and shot out a powerful Guiding Bolt, burning a hole through the giant's back, causing his body to topple into a valley between the mountains, and his sword to embed itself in the side of the mountain. There the weapon of a god would be left for months, until Kalen's return, upon which it would alter the course of the cleric's life. For now however, they returned to the village and let them know what had happened, bringing what remained of the boys' body to be buried, before returning to Colchester.