Current Timeline

Session 1 - Beginnings 19th of Lathande, Year 10 of the 5th Era
19th of Lathande

Party all arrive at Konkraimor. Fight breaks out at the docks when cargo from ship is about to be stolen, but the theft is prevented by the party. Cargo owner offers a new job, getting rid of some unlicensed toll collectors up the road.

Session 2 - Forgive and Move On 20th of Lathande, Year 10 of the 5th Era
20th of Lathande

The Party, deals with the toll collectors, who turn out to be followers of a new goddess Timora, here to recover stolen ore of religious significance. The faithful are defeated and Blazh rides away with the ore, as the party realizes that there is more to this than meets the eye and prepares for a journey to Konskirav, to get answers.

Session 3 - Of Cats and Men 21st of Lathande, Year 10 of the 5th Era
21th of Lathande

The Party, begins their journey to Konskirav, learning more about each other along the way. Eventually they run across a saddled horse and begin searching for its owner at the small hovel down the road. After meeting the hovels owner - a suspicious tabaxi called Rosa, things escalate, as the evening ends with the Party discovering the missing woman in Rosa's basement, who seemed intent on feeding her to her ravenous cats.

Session 4 - Craven Courtier 21st- 22nd of Lathande, Year 10 of the 5th Era
21st of Lathande

The Party fought off the cats and Rosa, who reveled herself to be a member of the Unseelie. In her belonging a strange mimic like chest was found which gave Shiek a vision of an enormous golden eye. The chest's name was revealed to be the Hungry Twin.

22nd of Lathande

The Party found out that the tremor the previous night marked the start of a Great Hunt - a race for the horse clans to defeat the monsters released by the tremor. Milivoj is excited by the possibility of participating and entering Konskirav as champions, as the strength of the tremors indicated the Party was close to the source. Camp is packed and the Party leaves Rosa's with the Hungry Twin loaded in the wagon.

Session 5 - Great Hunt 22nd- 26th of Lathande, Year 10 of the 5th Era
22nd of Lathande

The Party continued travelling, meeting a scout in search for a creature unleashed by the tremors. Later in the day the same scout was found killed, by a large puncture wound, likely by the very beast he sought.

23rd of Lathande

The travel continues, until the Party runs across hunters from the Otgore clan, engaging a huger, lizard-like beast in combat. With help from the Party the beast is defeated, and identified as the quarry for the Great Hunt. The Party lears more about the horse clans and Valeyo and Cassini share what they know about Dinosaurs, the type of creature that this beast belonged to.

24th of Lathande

Deciding to finally open the Hungry Twin, the Party realizes that it is a chest enchanted with Conjuration, able to take whatever is placed inside it and transport it elsewhere. When the Party sent a note through a message came back, saying: "I am assuming you killed Rosa. That really isn't very sensible.". Unnerved by the message, they put the Hungry Twin away, deciding to have someone more qualified look at it in Konskirav.

26th of Lathande

The Party finally reaches Konskirav. In the town centre they help out a local Stone Giant by the name of Venthor, who was being accosted by a number of magically conjured rats. Venthor mentions having seen a pair matching Blazh and his bodyguard's description heading south. The Party splits up to find a place to stay, gather information from the locals, and look for jobs.

Session 6 - Murmurs of Konskirav 26th- 27th of Lathande, Year 10 of the 5th Era
26th of Lathande

The Party explored Konskirav gathering rumors and information. Valeyo and Shiek discovered the potential material Blazh was transporting - Sky Stone. A material used to create Solar Steel and potentially serving a conduit for divine energy. Meanwhile The others discovers new job opportunities and feel out the general murmurs of the town. The Party then meets with the master of the market in the hope of finding out Blazh's whereabouts, but to no avail. Sapphira talks to Valeyo about Velinde and reveals that she is a dhampir.

27th of Lathande

A visit to the market allows the party to acquire some Sky Stone from Venthor, the giant they had helped previously. Information gathered from the captain of the guard - Nikolai Filipov, tells the party that Blazh had left town, heading south in the direction of Dragomir.

Session 7 - Konskirav's Most Wanted 27th of Lathande, Year 10 of the 5th Era
27th of Lathande

The Party leaves town to pursue Blazh, only to be met with the Face of the King, who was observing the railway construction. A short conversation reveals that she is aware of Blazh, as he is a member of a terrorist organisation known as the Downfall of the Crown. Retracing their steps, the party finds tracks made by Blazh's cart, which they follow to the camp of the Oniroden. At the Oniroden's warehouse near the market, Shiek and Cassini find Blazh and his knight tied up, having been beaten and questioned, surrounded by a group of goblins. The party gathers and bursts into the facility, discovering the identity of Blazh's knight - Simona Valova.

Session 8 - A Tale of Two Ports 27th of Lathande, Year 10 of the 5th Era
27th of Lathande

The Party defeats the enemies in the warehouse, taking additional two prisoners - a hag and a small fey creature. After returning to the Yuzhen Enclave, they question their 4 captives. The hag and the fey reveal they work for the Unseelie Queen and were sent to find the engineer who Blazh would use to turn the Sky Stone into and explosive. Blazh and Simona claim they belong to an organisation called the Independent Cities' Movement. Their goal was to blow up the train, to harm the king's pet project and get him to cancel the trainline, which would negatively impact Otusta and Stendolin. Simona reveals that she was setup by the king all those years ago, being sent to be killed by the fire giants, only narrowly avoiding her fate. Tensions rise when the Milivoj insists on putting the prisoner's to death, while Valeyo wishes to wait until morning to question them using magic.

Session 9 - Evasion and Impersonation 27th-28th of Lathande, Year 10 of the 5th Era
27th of Lathande

The Party decided to keep the two prisoners under watch for the night. Unbeknownst to them, Valeyo messaged Blazh, finding out the name and location of his engineer - Vincent Atanasoff from Rekasev. Shiek is followed by a peculiar cat and the party rests for the night.

28th of Lathande

Otto is awoken, by the sounds of guards checking the nearby houses searching for Blazh. The party quickly conducts their questioning, Valeyo allowing Blazh to answer in half-truths. Through this they learn the name of two of their leaders - Vaziliis and Thatia. It also reveals the location of the Sky Stone - the Oniroden camp. Simona is untied and evades capture while, the guards arrive and arrest Blazh. She then slips away from the party. The party decides to steal the barrels by impersonating the engineer. They enter the Oniroden camp and speak with one of their leader - Miro. He reveals that Blazh was likely betrayed by one of their own, pointing the finger at a woman he referred to as the the White One. The party heads south to Dragomir with the barrels. Otto tries to use the Sky Stone , helped by the night and a ruby, but fails. Later in the night he wakes up in a cold sweat feeling his entire body aflame.

Session 10 - Oozing Curiosity 29th-32nd of Lathande, Year 10 of the 5th Era
29th of Lathande

The party travels, finally reaching Yuzhen lands and Milivoj explains the history of the clans to the others. He also shares some information about his family, but closes up when asked about his position as successor. The conversation expands to Shiek and Valeyo's injuries as well as Sapphira's swarm of bees.

30th of Lathande

Shiek awakens, only to find a cat underneath his blanket. Investigating his unusual attractiveness to cats, Cassini turns into one. He finds that there was a supernatural feeling of importance that surrounded Shiek. On the road Shiek reads a strange journal that he says is not his, while Valeyo writes a scroll in Common. When asking each other about their activity they both say it is personal and don't elaborate much.

31st of Lathande

The party arrives at a tavern called "The Last Battle", the site for the final fight of Krum VII. Milivoj gives a brief history lesson on the founding of the Kingdom of Dragomir. A strange, smelly man walks into the tavern, who the party guesses could the the engineer or his apprentice. Valeyo talks to him feeling him our during the conversation. He uses the Sky Stone as bait, telling the man, Ignacy, to come meet them at their camp. Afterwards Milivoj and Valeyo talk and Valeyo poses some difficult questions to Milivoj about his loyalties to his king and clan. In the night Ignacy throws a Sending Stone to the party and him and Valeyo talk. Ignacy seems more aware of the ICM's intentions with the Sky Stoine and asks where it was being taken, to which Valeyo says the Temorans.

32nd of Lathande

In the morning the group discusses the previous night's events. They begin travelling, but stop after a few hours when a cart blocks the road. Ahead of the car, stand three warriors moving unnaturally and surrounded by corpses. A fight ensues and during it it becomes clear that the bodies of the men are being controlled by strange Oozes, which the party defeats.

Session 11 - Ill Omen 32nd-33rd of Lathande, Year 10 of the 5th Era
32nd of Lathande

The party investigates the oozes revealing them to be demonic ichor. It seemed the ichor had assaulted a group of outlaws who were camping nearby. After failing to track the ichor's origin the party returned to the road and reached Krainasto, only to found the town quarantined. Gaining entry the found out that a horrible disease had swept through town. Offering to help, they kept watch through the night, finding the disease killed in the dark and was potent enough to wipe off an entire lake.

33rd of Lathande

Investigation continued and with Cassini and Otto's spells it was determined that the disease had spread through the water, with the wells and the pond having been infected. Warning the townsfolk not the drink water, but soon concluding that direct sunlight could purify it. The party discovered that the source was a fiendish creature with large owl-like black feathers. With Cassinni's magic the managed to track down the creature, which was disguised as an owl in the belltower. Despite his efforts not to tip off the fiend, Cassinni gave his findings away and the creature enlarged, preparing for battle.

Session 12 - Misfortune Manifested 33rd of Lathande, Year 10 of the 5th Era
33rd of Lathande

The party fought and defeated the owl-creature, which turned into a young boy. When question he revealed that him and his friends had performed a ritual from a book called "How to Manifest Luck", which they had bough in the local book store. The storeowner was a old halfling woman, who seemed to know more that she let on, directing Sapphira towards a man named the Baron of the Deep, who suffered a condition similar to hers and providing Shiek with insight into his old journal, while also giving him another one written in even older script. The group then visited the location of the ritual, performed by the boys. There two more of them lay dead, while the other two had had their bodies melded into an abominable monstrosity. Nearby puddles of glowing green liquid stood, from which demons appeared in the midst of combat. After defeating the monster, with the exception of a quasit who ran away the party found themselves surrounded by bodies in the middle of the forest.

Session 13 - Forgotten Trap 33rd-35th of Lathande, Year 10 of the 5th Era
33rd of Lathande

The party investigate the area near the ritual circle. They found the book the children had used and destroyed the circle. The corrupted mud was found to be highly combustible, so they left it alone opting not to alert the guards instead. When they returned to town, the party was determined to confront Alina, holding her responsible for the tragedy. When they talked to her however, she seemed not to know anything about the true contents of the book. Even after Valeyo forced her to tell the truth, using magic, she still made the same claims. According to her, the book was left in the shop when she first moved to the town centuries ago. Valeyo proposed that this might have been a long-con by a demon to get itself summoned by an unsuspecting person.

34th of Lathande

The group headed south and on the way, they found the Quasit that had escaped had followed them. It tried to explain itself, but they decided not to risk letting a demon free and killed it.

35th of Lathande

The journey continued with the group eventually walking into a storm, where Valeyo and Milivoj caught a glimpse of a legendary creature - the Storm Roc. A few hours later, the party reached the great brdige constructed by Dragomir I, where they turned in for the day.

Session 14 - The Capital 1st-9th of Elator, Year 10 of the 5th Era
1st of Elator

The Party wakes up to find a griffon knight dispatched to spread word of Blazh's escape offering a 1000gp bounty. They cross the bridge arriving at the inn on the other side where they rest. Shiek notices a suspicious man with a slender build and flowing green robes, who had been travelling in the opposite direction earlier in the day.

2nd of Elator

Travel continues, with Shiek looking out for the slender man, who had continued following the party. As it comes time for rest, Cassini sets up his telescope, pulling out a second secret one and gazing through it. Shortly after discovering an abnormal magical aura in the sky, three ghostly figure apparate and attack him, deeming him unworthy. In the fight he is struct and releases a burst of radiant energy, transformed into a luminous form with a star pattern etched into his back. After the ghosts are defeated they scream the name "Arvandor". Cassini then shares more if his story with the party. As he finally falls asleep he hears an ominous voice call out "I can see you now!"

3rd-8thof Elator

The party continues travelling, uninterrupted.

9th of Elator

Finally they reach Dragomir. Milivojs switches to a more inconspicuous outfit, sharing that the clans are not well thought of here and he didn't want to attract attention. Eventually the party makes their way to a large park ,where they were told the Timorans congregate, just in time for a sermon.

Session 15 - Academic Pursuits 9th of Elator, Year 10 of the 5th Era
9th of Elator

After listening to Natasha's sermon, the party meet with her and her attendant in the Timorans' headquarters. They return the Sky Stone asking to keep on barrel of it and share how they came upon it. She reveals some delais about a source she had in the ICM and offers to help them make contact, referring them to a professor Krissa, who could help. Otto asks after the ritual that they use the Sky Stone for and she demonstrates. Later the party heads to the university, where they discover a number of things. Shiek learns more about his journal, Valeyo and Milivoj arrange for a meeting with the ICM, Cassini steals a partially destroyed boon on "Arvandor" and Otto looks for a priest of Sardior.

Session 16 - Rowboat Diplomacy 10th of Elator, Year 10 of the 5th Era
10th of Elator

The day begins with Cassini showing the book he had stolen. He is advised to return it and ask around, in case anyone at the university had read it. Later in the days he attempts to return it without being seen, but is caught by one professor Berkinsail. After being sent to the Dean, a deal is arrange, where Cassini would collect the new copy of the book from Skalenvru in a few week's time. The others visit the market, where Sapphira makes friends with a Frost Giant hunter called Scholt, who is on the hunt for a dragon spreading propaganda. Shiek is directed to the Conclaive to find scrolls and Sapphira tags along. There they have their magic items identified. Come the evening Valeyo and Milivoj meet with professor Krissa, who give Valeyo a prosthetic for his leg and tell them of where the meeting with the ICM would take place. The party prepares for it and they meet at the Ioun gardens dock. With Valeyo Milivoj and Shiek following the contact on the river, while Cassini snuck around as a frog and the others watched. The man they meet is a half elf who ask why they wanted to meet. Him and Valeyo proceed to argue about the ICM's approach, with Valeyo ultimately saying that while he wished to join and help them change their ways, he sees it is not possible. As they row back to the garden, Cassini recognizes the man as the same one who caught him earlier in the day - professor Berkinsail.

Session 17 - A Study in Ashes 10th-11th of Elator, Year 10 of the 5th Era
10th of Elator

The party returned to the barn, following their meeting with the ICM and discussed it's disappointing results. In the middle of the night, they were awoken by a shaking of the windows. An investigation revealed the city on alert, with the guards having closed the bridges using searchlights to find the culprit behind an attack near the university. Deciding to investigate it the next the day, the party returns to bed.

11th of Elator

The city is ripe with gossip following the attack at the university. Some claim it was a terrorist action, others a fight between mages. The party arrived at the university and discovered that a building on the north side was the source of an explosion, which left most of the windows in nearby buildings shattered. After being denied entry into the house, they entered the university. There they were threaten by the faculty, who revealed that professor Berkinsail was dead and saw the party as the culprit. After a long talk, it becomes clear that the party didn't kill the professor and the faculty was a ware of his involvement with the ICM. The lightning jar is brought up as the source of the explosion and Professor Krissa reveals that it sounds like the invention of one of her best students, who died 5 years ago. - Vincent Atanasoff. Vincent and his grandfather were obsessed with a material coming from Moratop, which could unleash magical energy. Using a legal loophole, the party were allowed to investigate the Berkinsail's house and found signs of a struggle as well as his attempts of recreating the Lightning Device.

Session 18 - Through the Grapevine 11th-12th of Elator, Year 10 of the 5th Era
11th of Elator

The party talks about their next steps, Valeyo and Milivoj suggesting a visit to Rekasev, where the Professor was sending letters, while Otto pointed out that his vision directed him to Akulavod. After considering their options, the party decides to head north as both towns were in that direction and figure it out on the way. Shiek finds out that the jug of smoke they had acquired could be used to summon a magical hound capable of tracking anyone, while Sapphira collects a number of bounties from a tavern. The group heads to bed, but do not go undisturbed. Otto is faced with another vision, of being surrounded by sharks, this time however, the peaceful water he was standing on, was rapidly freezing towards him. Shiek was woken up by a Dryad sneaking into his room. He alerts the others and battle ensues. The Dryad is captured and Shiek reveals to the others what she was there for the item in his chest. A black and gold, hilt of a dagger stabbed into his heart despite which, he was somehow alive.

12th of Elator

In the morning the Dryad comes to and she reveals, that she is an Unseelie, sent to find the object in Sheik's chest. The Dryad tells them that it is a vessel of an archfey called Malakagata or Dirlagrauna - the mother of displacer beasts. Dirlagrauna had a falling-out with the Unseelie Queen, long ago and she wanted to keep an eye on her. The party lets the dryad go and prepare for their trip. A pair of Sila approach and reveal that two figures were seen fleeing the town after the attack last night - a presumed mage and a man wielding a rapier, matching the description of the slender man who had followed the party for the last week.

Session 19 - Impenetrable 12th-20th of Elator, Year 10 of the 5th Era
12th of Elator

The group prepares to leave Dragomir, stopping at Himmel's knick-knacks to buy a pair of Sending Stones. Before departing they speak to the university faculty sharing their findings and then headed east. On the way, Otto brings up that he would prefer if the party visited Akulavod first, as he had another vision. In this one, the draconic figure over the shark infested waters was in more danger as a creeping layer of ice was headed for it, potentially indicating the Frost Giant, who we knew was hunting them. The group agrees and decides on Akulavod as their first stop.

13th-19th of Elator

Five days into the travel, they reach a fork in the road. The eastern path they ended up taking is significantly less well-kept and patrols are few and far between.

20th of Elator

The party comes across a overturned wagon. After an inspection, Milivoj is ambushed by a group of Kobolds, who the party quickly defeats. The one remaining survivour is questioned and reveals that they serve a being called Hopper. It describes him as a a "Giant blessed with the horn of a blue dragon, who appeared a few weeks ago and built an impenetrable fortress". The Kobold leads the party to the fortress, which turns out to be a rudimentary fortification made of carts and barrels. The party issues a challenge for this Hopper and he appears, revealing himself as an Ogre with a horn. After a quick fight, the party defeats Hopper and the Kobolds.

Session 20 - Mammal Attack 20th-23rd of Elator, Year 10 of the 5th Era
20th of Elator

The group loots the impenetrable fortress, acquiring a magical longbow and some potions. Milivoj detaches the horn from the ogre's head which was nailed down with 2 metal spikes. Having confirmed that it is likely a real dragon horn, the group continues travelling.

21st-22nd of Elator

Uneventful travel.

23rd of Elator

The group arrives in Akulavod. People in the tavern are unwelcoming, but mention that a King's Guard recently visited. In the Town Hall a young guard gives the party more information, revealing that the King's Guard in question was Zelik Chernov, a man of great renown, who even Milivoj admired. He was there to boost recruitment and was also looking for Blazh as well as a fiendish individual, which bore resemblance to Simona. The guard also mentions that a dragonborn woman came into town a few weeks back, now living in a cave to the north. The party visits the cave and finds Eletheria, but are attacked by Sahuagin, who they defeat, bringing Eletheria back to town.

Session 21 - Under the Sea 24th of Elator, Year 10 of the 5th Era
24th of Elator

The group talks with Eletheria and she explains that she had been sent to town looking for a girl called Nikoleta, who Sardior believes could be a force for good. The girl was taken by the sahuagin and she asks the party to recue her. The group agrees and goes into the sea. They convince some sharks to help them and eventually find that the girl is being kept in a chasm, where the high priestews would perform a ritual to make were into their new champion. The group rushes over to stop the ritual seeing that Nikoleta, was in fact a Young Black Dragon.

Session 22 - Creeping Cold 24th of Elator, Year 10 of the 5th Era
24th of Elator

The party defeats the sahuagin and speaks to the dragon - Nikoletta. She is soon convinced to go with them to the surface and meet up with Eletheria. Once there, the group is surprised to find Milivoj's retainers waiting for them. Ysomir tells them that Shuult, the Frost Giant that Sapphira had met, was in town with the cyclops. Eletheria reveals that Nikoletta is only a couple weeks old, having hatched very recently and can't yet shapeshift. They agree to a plan - the party would distract Shuult and the two of them would hide underwater until Nikoletta can change shape. After that they would accompany the group to Rekasev. Having finished planning the party returns to town and meets Shuult, who tells Sapphira that he sent Hund looking for the dragon, using his keen sense of smell. The party wats Eletheria, before going to the tavern to keep an eye on Shuult's movements.

Session 23 - Guidance of the Moon 24th-28th of Elator, Year 10 of the 5th Era
24th of Elator

The party follows Shuult and Hund back to the cave, where Shuult discovers that a Black Dragon was in the area. Unable to follow it into the sea due to his inability to swim he offers the job to the party who decline.

25th-26th of Elator

The party waits out the next day and finally regroups with Eletheria and Nikoletta the morning after. Nikoletta uses her new shapechanging ability to assume the guise of a sahuagin as the group journeys west. In the evening Otto and Eletheria use the Sky Stone to commune with Sardior, bringing them into a shared vision where they have three questions answered - "Where is the ICM?", "What should Eletheria do next?" and "Where is Otto's helmet?".

27th-28th of Elator

The party discuss the visions and travel onward. On the journey Cassini repairs Eletheria's broken staff, although only partially. Eventually they reach Krainasto, where they are greeted like heroes for saving the town from the demon. They spend the night there in the tavern.

Session 24 - The Engineer 29th-32nd of Elator, Year 10 of the 5th Era
29th-31st of Elator

The party keeps on travelling west, when Cassini notices that there is a giant eagle following them. They decide to ignore it, but upon seeing it again the following day, Sapphira elects to shoot a few arrows at it, hitting it twice and causing it to fly away. On the way Cassini and Otto learnt a new spell from Eletheria's staff and as more and more farmland could be seen the party felt that they were approaching Rekasev.

32nd of Elator

The party finally reaches Rekasev where the address on Professor Berkinsail's letter leads them to a large house with 2 towers - one square and one round with a telescope coming out of it. There they are greeted by Vincent Atanasof - the ICM's engineer. After a long conversation with him many discoveries are made - including that he is unaware of the ICM's uses for his technology, his discovery of Sky Stone's property to form composites and store magic when liquified, the fact that Cassini's glasses are also made of a Sky Stone glass composite and that he has been living with a woman called Mikaela who is a member of the ICM. A revelation is reached later when a enchanted book in her room reacts to Valeyo's presence and a magical message addresses him directly. He then admits to knowing the Mikaela and her being the reason he is on the continent to begin with. This conversation is interrupted by Cassini asking for the group's help with an experiment. The experiment involves making a compound of Sky Stone and Ruby, one that could be related to Sardior and it results in the creation of a magical ruby-like gem with a red glow.

Session 25 - Silent Night 32nd of Elator, Year 10 of the 5th Era
32nd of Elator

In the middle of the night, Shiek hears a noise from downstairs and goes to investigate. There he sees a group of masked people dragging an unconscious Vincent away. Everyone is quickly woken up and combat happens, where it becomes clear that three of the assailants are much better trained and equipped. One of them going by the name Viper, shoots Cassini in the chest, almost killing him instantly. Through the use of some clever Silence and Spike Growth spells, the enemies are delayed enough for the front liners of the party to reach them and the party emerges victorious. Of the 3 elite enemies, two are dead and Viper seemingly commits suicide by ingesting a poison before she is captured.

Session 26 - A Friend in Need 33rd of Elator, Year 10 of the 5th Era
33rd of Elator

Otto faces another dream, which gives him some guidance, as to the use of this Ruby created by Vincent. In the morning the party discovers Viper's body is missing, before heading into town to shop. On the way, Shiek discovers that the tattoo on Viper resembles a depiction of Dragomir on the map. An apothecary identifies the substance used by Viper as Death's Kiss - a poison used to fake one's death. After the party gathers in the Roundhouse and picks up some potential work, Valeyo explains his history with Thalia to the others. He tells them of their similar ends but opposite means and confirms that he is committed to stopping any I.C.M acts of violence, over finding her. The party then heads to deal with the weird noises coming from a farmer's sinkhole. The source of the noises is revealed to be a demonic beast, which the party defeats.

Session 27 - Crossroads 33rd-34th of Elator, Year 10 of the 5th Era
33rd of Elator

The party returns to the farmer to get their prize for defeating the demon and head to the Roundhouse tavern. Outisde of it a crowd has gathered and people talk on a King's Guard being inside. In the tavern the party meets with King's GuardMarta Grabow. They find out she had been sent to investigate demonic incursions in the area and they share the details of their recent fight. She offers them a job of going down the tunnel, potentially into a Fire Giant cavern. As the group returns to Vincent's they decide to decline her offer. At the house Vincent is out of his mind, scared of Nikoletta. The paty calms him down and offer for him to come south with them, which he accepts. During the evening they perform one more test using Cassini's lenses, which causes a voice to reach out to Cassini. Introducing himself as the prince of the Moon Arvandor, he asks Cassini to find the other Observatory and free him.

34rd of Elator

The party procures passage down the river, by hiring a flour barge. Meanwhile Shiek has been sent to inform Marta that they would be passing on her offer. As he approached her he overhears speak of a creature called the "Glistener". which may be responsible for the incursions. He soon rejoins the party and they board the boat to sail south.

Session 28 - The Thief of Opportunity 34thof Elator-4th of Sune, Year 10 of the 5th Era
34th-35th of Elator

The sailing starts peacefully with the first day being uninterrupted. In the morning of the second day, Shiek feels something move in his pack. Expecting another cat he opens it and is instead faced with a piece of paper that the Hungry Twin had just regurgitated on which it said "I hope you know how to swim.". The party were then attacked by a three-eyes frog creature that they defeated, before sending on of its eyes back using the Twin.

1st-4th of Sune

The party reached a few miles north of Dragomir, where they all disembarked and began their journey west to Stendolin. After a couple days of taking in the views of the massive mountain rages and forest, they entered the valley proper and expected to see the remains of the walls the next day. On the fourth day, they saw the ruins of the walls and an old watchhouse. A hundred feet from the watchtower was a massive boulder, under which was a rider, squashed recently. As the party wondered what to do they saw the silhouettes of 2 giants behind the watchhouse towers and heard voices call out asking "Toll or death". The party turned to ride back and as they did a boulder flew through the air slamming into Ysomir, killing him. Shiek and Sapphira began riding towards the watchhouse before another boulder was thrown, as Milivoj looked at the giants in anger and charged.

Session 29 - Charging the Windmills 4th-10th of Sune, Year 10 of the 5th Era
4th of Sune

As Milivoj charges at the giants, his steed and he himself engulfed in flame, leaving a trail of fire in the field. The rest of the group followed suit and eventually defeated the giants. As the final one falls, the flame around Milivoj extinguishes and he passes out. Shiek and Otto notice Milivoj's skin turn a translucent purple before returning to normal. The party rests and prepares to continue their journey west.

4th-9th of Sune

The party continues their travels in a more somber mood. Milivoj and Valeyo talk, with Milivoj promising to explain things once they have brought Ysomir back. On one of the days they are faced with a group of Sila and the Boyar leading them, who Valeyo confronts about their failure to keep the roads safe. He is told to take it up with the First Boyar of Stendolin.

10th of Sune

Now half-a-day's travel from Stendolin, the party reaches the Atanasoff estate, where they find out that Vincent's birth name is Enreldus. His family is massively wealthy and they are greeted by an older tiefling man, Vincent's brother - Ruben. Inside it becomes clear that Vincent has been gone for years. Picture of the family show that Vincent's sister is also a tiefling indicating that their wealth my have a more sinister origin.

Session 30 - Prodigal Son 10th-11th of Sune, Year 10 of the 5th Era
10th of Sune

Vincent and his brother catch up and the party is told the story of their family. Their father coming from little wealth and buying the poorest mine in the region, only for it to come to light that the mine is close to a elemental rift leading to the Plane of Earth. This proximity caused the caverns of the mine to endlessly produce precious stones, making their father the wealthiest man in the region. The party leaves Vincent at his home and heads into Stendolin, where they find a place to rest. Before bedding down, Otto searches the town for his helmet and feels it's presence from a tavern called the Dragon Slayers.

11th of Sune

After a short goodbye, Eletheria and Nikoletta take their leave from the party. The group does some shopping, meeting Vincent's sister Diane. They acquire a diamond large enough for Otto to bring back Ysomir. The ritual is performed and Ysomir is left to recover his strength as the group heads to acquire Otto's helmet. In Dragon Slayers they are met with a Minoaur man called Tomo, who says the helmet was left my some mutual friends of theirs indicating a connection to the I.C.M. After taking the helmet, the group makes their way to the Atanasoff townhouse, where they were invited by Diane to discuss a potential job. As they are negotiating payment the door opens and Tomo enters, revealed to be Diane's husband.

Session 31 - Talc Tactics 11th-13th of Sune, Year 10 of the 5th Era
11th of Sune

Following a brief introduction, Tomo awkwardly leaves the room, allowing the party to continue their negotiations with Diane. A bargain is struck for them to clear out one of their mines, wheee some creature from the Plane of Earth have been causing trouble. The party takes their leave, after receiving a small advance payment. The revelation of the connection between Tomo and Diane. leaves the party pondering a potential association between their marriage and the I.C.M's involvement with Vincent, further reinforced by the fact that Diane was seen with a different man in their family portraits. Regardless, they rest for the trip the following day.

11th-13th of Sune

The group does some last minute shopping and heads to the mine. After a day and a half of travel they arrive and some of the private guards of the Atanasoff family explain the situation. Some of the miners had been turned to stone, while other had been killed an only 1 made it out. Feeling ready, the group enters the mines, where they soon encounter a Basilisk as well as some living stone statues, all of which were infused by a mysterious green glow permeating the mine. The enemies are defeated they continue journeying deeper.

Session 32 - Hunger of the Earth 13th of Sune, Year 10 of the 5th Era
13th of Sune

Further down into the mine, the group reaches the large Jeweled Chamber. There they are faced by a massive elemental made of green gemstones as well as more stone miners and weird three legged creatures. During combat, a second earth elemental appears and grapples Cassini dragging him to a glowing green pit filled with sharp crystals. As he is thrown in there, the crystals began to spin, lacerating his entire body. The group eventually defeats the enemies and rescues Cassini, before starting to collect some of the gemstones from around the room.

Session 33 - I Spy 13th-14th of Sune, Year 10 of the 5th Era
13th of Sune

The party finishes collecting the gemstones and wonders about the origins of the crystal hole. Some investigation determines that any item dropped into it melds into the stone and the entire are around it is infused with the most powerful magic Otto had ever seen. After returning to the surface, the guards explain that the hole is the rift to the Plane of Earth and hand the party a letter to deliver to the Atanasoffs.

14th of Sune

Returning to Stendolin, the group visits the Underhill district of town, before arriving to the Town Mansion to collect their reward. They are paid in full and thanked for their assistance by Diane. Upon returning to the Golden Circle, they find a letter atop the chest they were paid with. It warned them of a fae spy following them. Shiek and Valeyo headed into town, where they gathered information on Tomo and the First Boyar. After Valeyo was told that the church is pulling the strings and making things worse for the First Boyar, Shiek notices a man leave the tavern and follows him to the temple. There he is confronted by an elderly lady, who warns him to avoid the Emissar for his own good. Before she could explain further two armoured guards leave the temple together with the informant he had seen before. Using the sending stones, Shiek warns Valeyo to leave the tavern and they both regroup with the others at the Golden Circle. While sharing their story, Valeyo spots the fairy spy using see invisibility and they capture it. The fairy, Axi, reveals that it was hired by a general of the Queen to keep an eye on the dagger in Shiek's chest. Some more information is extracted, before the party agrees to keep Axi around as a double agent. In the middle of the night, Shiek reaches for the dagger and his mind is transported to a dark realm, where he is faced with Dirlagrauna herself.

Session 34 - Strange Bedfellows 14th-15th of Sune, Year 10 of the 5th Era
14th of Sune

Shiek talks with Malkagata about the history of the dagger and his present condition. Their conversation ends with Malakagata sharing a part of her power with him, allowing him to summon a displacer beast. He then awakens from his vision and continues his rest.

15th of Sune

Valeyo and Sapphira going to visit the First Boyar, while the others head to Waukeen's Walk. In their meeting with First Boyar Borrik, they find out that the Emisar had taken control of the town 3 years back after arriving with a mysterious iron wagon. In the market, the other group sells their gems and soon after, Cassini spots the crowds parting for a half-elven man in gold vestments. When he nears the party, the man calls out to Milivoj, revealing himself to be the Emisar - Danil. He gives condolences for Milivoj's brother's passing and offers his help should he need it. Before leaving he says he had heard a rumor of the party travelling with a half-vampire, but they deny it. Meeting up at the Dragon Slayer's tavern, the group agrees to work with Tomo and the I.C.M to get rid of the Emisar. While they are discussing strategy, Tomo calls them to the back of the tavern where they are faced with a transformed Simona Valova.

Session 35 - Best Laid Plans 15th of Sune, Year 10 of the 5th Era
15th of Sune

The party talks with Simona about the I.C.M, her history with them, Professor Berkinsail and more. Ultimately they decide to work togethers, with Simona using the I.C.M members to scout the caverns under the city for the Emisar's iron carriage and a way into the Solar Dome. Back in the Golden Road, the group discusses ways of getting into the Emisar's office and finding out why he is in Stendolin. After many plans are suggested and rejected, they decide to get more information, by using the invitation he had made to Milivoj. He and Valeyo go to meet the Emisar in his office and ask about the giants on the road. The Emisar is dismissive of their concerns and says they should stay out of it. When Milivoj offers his services they Emisar asks once more about the half-vampire in their party. They reveal no information, but Milivoj asks to speak to the Emisar in private and is lead to a back room, where he sees the iron carriage they had sought. After talking about his brother with the Emisar, Milivoj leaves and collects Valeyo on the way out. Meanwhile, Cassini scouts out the outside of the temple in the form of a spider and discovers multiple rooms of interest in the towers, each with a balcony they could use as a point of access. Once together in the Golden Road, the group comes up with their plan - two of them would enter vial the balcony, while the others would take the caverns, their goals being the Emisar's documents and the iron cart.

Session 36 - Be Prepared 15th-16th of Sune, Year 10 of the 5th Era
15th of Sune

Otto has a vision during his communion with Sardior, where he is shown 3 paths of Simona's future. She could rejoin the king, deepen her relationship with the Devils, or join Sardior herself.

16th of Sune

The group prepares for their infiltration. From a cavern explorer by the name of Aliki, Otto and Sapphira find information about a cavern leading to the catacombs, as well as other points of interest. With help of the priestess of Pelor he had met before, a disguised Shiek scouts the inside of the Solar Dome and makes his way into the catacombs, spotting a weak point in the wall they could use to enter. Cassini maps the patrol routes of the guards as well as their timings and Valeyo and Milivoj visit the Underhill and meet with Blazh. Before sunset, the party finishes formulating their plan - they enter through the cavern, into the catacombs and then investigate the Emisar's office, interrogation room and his iron wagon.

Session 37 - In the Sun's Shadow 16th of Sune, Year 10 of the 5th Era
16th of Sune

The party sneaks their way into the catacombs of the Solar Dome. Their infiltration hits a few snags, with Shiek triggering a trap that animates a suit of armour, but with a quick silent fight they get by undetected. Using his stealth skills and a few tricks, he reaches the interrogation room, where it becomes clear that the Emisar was receiving shipments from Duktig, the former seat of a Vampire Countess. Downstairs, the rest of the party reaches a room, where two angel statues guard a gate descending deeper into the earth. Sapphira's presence causes the image of a true angel to appear, which tells them of a being of undeath locked beneath the catacombs that she must kill. The party regroups and heads past the gate guarded by the statues. Eventually the tunnels terminate at a large cavern, where suspended over a waterfall with 4 spheres of sunlight is an iron coffin. As the the group attacks the only guard in the area, suddenly, from above, a large spherical creature with 1 central eye and multiple eye descends.

Session 38 - The Right Thing 16th of Sune, Year 10 of the 5th Era
16th of Sune

The party defeats the beast and the knight and they begin searching the cavern and office, before opening the iron prison. They find that the Emisar is emulating the research of one Rishida Xinja, trying to create a day walking vampire, or a subservient creature with the powers of one. He has picked out a target to experiment on, one Rune Olsen. In the cage, they find this very same vampire, who turns out to be the brother of one of the counts of Metua. The party interrogate him and after finding out about his reformed lifestyle, bring him up to the angel upstairs to judge. There they are told that they must choose themselves, and the let him go, earning Pelor's ire. The angel opens a door hidden behind a mural, where they find gold and a beautiful set of armour. Finally they decided to take a short rest before confronting the Emisar.

Session 39 - In Death Comes Rebirth 17th of Sune, Year 10 of the 5th Era
17th of Sune

The party look through the Emisar's locked chest, before heading to his bedroom. There they are taken by surprise, as one of the knights had take the Emisar's spot in bed, while the man himself floated outside the window and cast a spell, which collapsed gravity around them. Jumping off the tower, they fought the Emisar, until Milivoj slew him. After the knight in the bed was killed, Violet Flame erupted from him, eventually flying to the Emisar and bringing him back to life, only to be killed by Shiek. The collapse of the tower wakes much of the surrounding city up and eventually all of the party is lead up to the fort to meet with the First Boyar. Valeyo sends a message to an ICM agent telling them to start spreading word of what had happened and Milivoj insists on burning the Emisar's body. While waiting for Borek's return, the group looks over the letters taken from the chest and find that the Emisar was working with the same organization Viper was. The pose the idea, that the Emisar, was a fake, sent by this organization rather than the king.

Session 40 - Flash Back 17th of Sune, Year 10 of the 5th Era
17th of Sune

The Boyar returns and the group shares their theories with them. Eventualy they come to the agreement that they can leave, as long as they remained within the city walls. An exception was made for the Atanasoff Estate, where they could go, provided they had an escort. After finding out that word had spread around town of their victory over the Emisar, the get together and Milivoj shares a story of his past, his encounters with the Violet Flame and his brother's death at their hands. Later in the day after splitting into two groups, they head a loud thunderstrike east of the city. Worried for Vincent, they head to the Atansoff estate, where they find a Storm Giant speaking with Ruben. Finding them to be friends the group is welcomed to stay the night and they fill Vincent in on what had happened. He decides to head into town with them the next morning and they decide to kill some time by walking the groups. This results in Valeyo and Otto finding a hidden room behind a waterfall, where an iron circlet and a door top nowhere stood.

Session 41 - Legacy 17th-18th of Sune, Year 10 of the 5th Era
17th of Sune

Leaving the room behind the waterfall untouched, Otto and Valeyo return to the others and Cassini notices that one of the gardeners followed them. Soon after, the group joins Ruben and Vincent for dinner and Shiek notices something odd about the staff. After dinner the party returns behind the water fall and Valeyo puts on the circlet. While wearing it, behind the door he could see a luscious garden where a beautiful woman with feathery wings stood. She called herself the guardian of the Garden of Delights and told the group to speak to Lazlo, the half-orc head of the house. In the conversation, they discover that Lazlo, as well as, the rest of the staff are staff working for Glasya, the Dark Prodigy. He revealed that Glasya had an interest in Dragomir's collapse, as decades ago, King Dragomir I had made a deal with her father in order to get the power to conquer his neighbours. This deal was coming to an end and so they had been working towards his downfall, even putting into motion the scheme of blowing up the train. The party is left to think on that as they head to bed.

18th of Sune

In the morning they party together with Vincent meet with the Storm Giant - Lucas. Together they head towards Stendolin and on the way discover that Lucas was a member of the Stormstrike clan, sent there to recover one of their members. They tell him of Rune Olsen and once they near the town, Lucas does his grand entrance, causing storm clouds to form above and appearing in a flash of lightning in the middle of town.

Session 42 - Gathering the Pieces 17th of Sune, Year 10 of the 5th Era
18th of Sune

Some time after Lucas' entrance, the First Boyar arrives and is told the situation by the group. They get in touch with Rune, letting him know that someone was there to collect him. The First Boyar tells the group that he believed them to have acted appropriately with regards to the Emisar, but he lacks the power to dictate that, so he had sent for an investigator from the capital. They then head to the Town Mansion to drop off Vincent. There they meet Diane, who sheds more light on their situation. She expects the investigator to be one Dr Stanov, a member of the King's Guard and a powerful spellcaster. She also gives them a book that reveals that she knows about the fiends serving her family. Later in the day, the group go to investigate Worldwares shipping and find that the company is owned by one Yorhaza Kalpul, operating out of Skalenvru. He must have been aware of the contents of the packages sent to the Emisar, having signed for them personally. Right as they are finishing their trip to Waukeen's Walk, a tall m dark-skinned man approaches the party and introduces himself as Dr Stanov.