Session 15 - Academic Pursuits
The party were stood just in the part near the status of Dragomir the Uniter. Stood on a box was a slender woman, performing a sermon to a large group of people - priestess Natasha. She was sharing an anecdote of her own life, of how she lost someone an in a fit of rage was about to pursue vengeance before deeming that there was a better way. The priestess spoke to the people, telling them that their anger is understandable, but also that it can be dealt with in time. As the crowd listened, Casini noticed a human man in his 20s holding a box full of pamphlets. The thing that drew Cassini's attention had been the man's metal leg. After grabbing a pamphlet, Cassini headed to the rest of us.
The pamphlet described more of the tenants of Timora, that party had heard previously. An interesting addition, was the mention of a certain religious procedure. As part of joining the faith, one was to acknowledge their hatred and desire for revenge, at which point they would get a tattoo of a crown. After overcoming these feelings of theirs and letting go, they would get wings added to the tattoo, completing Timora's symbol.
Valeyo approached the woman and told her that they had something of theirs. When he mentioned the material, she seemed surprised that it was recovered. Valeyo asked for a more private place to talk and she said their "Headquarters" was near the docks in the south. The young man with the pamphlets took lead, with the group following. Soon after, the party arrived before a warehouse, with a crudely made sign bearing the symbol of Timora. Natasha unlocked the door and lead them into the front room. Inside it was much like a humble living room. She asked, the young man, Alec, to put the tea on and the party sat down with her. Looking her over, she was a human woman in her late 20s-early 30s. She had an almost gaunt look, her skin pulling to her bones in places and with black hair.
She introduced herself and Valeyo gave her a summary of what happened with the Sky Stone and how they had come to have it. Valeyo asked why they need so much of it and she said they simply bought it in bulk to last years. Otto then questioned what they are using it for. Natasha explained that when crushed and mixed with incense it allows a stronger connection to Timora. When asked about Solar Steel, she waved it off, saying it was more her husband's purview, who was an up-and-coming smith. She then continued, saying that while she has only recently started communication with Timora, she had had dreams of them for around 5 years.
At first it was the feeling of something reaching out and it helped her get over the pain she was suffering at the time. Now, she seeks to do the same for others. Valeyo asked how they had the information about the Sky Stone and she said that a friend of hers is a friend of a member of the I.C.M. Otto asked her thoughts on the ICM and she saw them as a noble organization, as she has had problems with the crown and so has Alec. She thinks that their goal of overthrowing the crown is dangerous.
Valeyo inquired further, about their troubles with the crown and Alec said the crown cares not for the poor. He lost his leg to a mundane illness, but the priests were to save their healing for those who could better serve the realm. Natasha, said she couldn't give us the friend of a friend in the ICM, but another friend of hers, who got Alec back his leg, could help. She was a professor of engineering at the university - Professor Krissa. When asked if they had tried preaching elsewhere, so they wouldn't be surrounded by guards all of the time, Natasha said they had, but were moved off. Their current following is only about 50-60 people, but the Crown prefers to keep a close eye on them. Otto wanted to know about about any priests of Sardior in the area. While she couldn't name any here, she had come across one on their trip from Skalenvru. Her name was Eletheria, a dragonborn of pearlescent green. Valeyo asked if they could keep a barrel of Sky Stone and after some debate, she agreed.
Otto questioned, how exactly she uses the Sky Stone to commune with her god and she offered to demonstrate. Natasha grabbed her materials and spread the Sky Strone and incense in a spiral before starting her prayer. Shiek noticed a small flame moving up the incense. In the calm gradual orange flame, there was a purple magenta colour when it burned the Sky Stone. Cassini sensed a magical aura coming from the stone when it burned purple, as if it was releasing magical energy. After a short while, Natasha finished praying and told the party she would let them know if she had a dream tonight. She asked where we were staying and recommended the Wearward Traveler.
While discussing what to do next, the party headed to the Wearward traveler inn. Soon, they were standing before a large wooden building. It's symbol was a man crossing a bridge and behind the bar was an older gnomish man, darting around. When asked for 8 rooms, he handed keys for a building across the road, an old barn that had been converted into rooms. It consisted of 8 bedrooms and a central living area. Having rented all of the room, the party would have the building to themselves.
After setting in, everyone headed to the university together for various reasons. On the way north some impressive houses used by the nobility could be seen on the right of the road. Some were having garden parties or sailing in the river. Eventually they reached the main university entrance. The university consisted of a series of buildings surrounding a central park-like area. To the east, stretching all the way to the river, were the gardens. In the reception, they were met by a human man, in his late teens.
The party listed their reasons for visiting:
- Cassini asked about access to the library for his research.
- Otto wanted to visit the temple .
- Valeyo and Milivoj inquired after professor Krissa.
- Shiek was looking for help translating and old document and wondered if a professor could help.
- Sapphira wanted to learn about monster hunting and though the library could be the place to start.
Cassini pulled out his student ID from his university. The man said that Cassini would find it hard to research here as the library wasn't so big. Sapphira too was told, that this university didn't really focus on what she was looking for. Valeyo was given a guest pass to meet professor Krissa under pretense of needing help with his leg. Shiek was referred to one professor Alvaro, but was warned they are a bit snooty. Everyone then split up to their respective goal.
Shiek headed to the south side to meet professor Alvaro Laguna. The university itself had 3 stories and in the large central courtyard was an additional building, but the party couldn't tell what. Shiek found Alvaro's office and inside was an ancient looking high-elf. The professor was eating and asked why Shiek was there. Shiek explained he needed help with translation and the professor questioned who he was and why he was wearing a mask. Shiek said that he would answer if they could help and pulled out the ancient journal Alina had given him. For a way to read it himself, the elf suggested going to the Conclave and buying scrolls or something, but they could read some of it to Shiek now.
The man who wrote the journal was a Black Guard in the city of Almasuam. He was a personal protector of a "King" (best translation) who was referred to as the Malakagata. The writer talks about their relationship with some local and something about the face-changing ceremony. Shiek then grabbed to journal and left the office.
Meanwhile, Cassini and Sapphira went to the library. Cassini found an old tome, that had been almost completely destroyed, purposefully. On the opening page, the name of the book still remained - "The Twins - Sehanine and Arvandor". Cassini stole the book, tucking it into his coat. Sapphira, unfortunately, had come up empty on her search.
Valeyo and Milivoj made their way up to the office of professor Krissa. After knocking they were told to enter. Inside was a woman in her mid forties tinkering with something and wearing large magnifying glasses. As they entered, the woman lifted her glasses and asked who they were. Valeyo claims that he is no one important and is simply here seeking help. She then turned to Milivoj asked him the same, and he introduces himself as Valeyo's guard. After pointing out the discrepancy of their claims, the professor continued with her questions. Valeyo ultimately decided to reveal that they sought to meet with the ICM. The professor was slightly surprised, wondering how they knew to come to her. Valeyo simply mentioned a friend of a friend, without elaborating further.
The professor approached to take a closer look at them and asked Valeyo where he is from, as his accent was not local. He told her he came from Velinde, but she wanted a more specific answer. He let her know he is from Erlrinner, having studied there. She seemed familiar with the situation in Erlrinner and it's government and appeared willing to help Valeyo, but she wanted to know WHO he was looking for. He admitted that he was looking for a specific person, but wouldn't reveal their name. Disappointed, Krissa said that while she could ask around about helping us contact the ICM, she couldn't promise anything. They agreed to meet at the same time the following day.
On the other side of campus, Otto entered the temple and sat down across an orc priestess. He asked about the priest of Sardior, that Natasha had mentioned - Eletheria. The orc woman had no knowledge of her, but she let Otto know that worship of Draconic deities is very frowned upon here. The Crown has a long-standing and tenuous agreement with the local clan of Fire Giants and they quell anything that would be related to draconic worship. Anyone who tried to spread such ideas would get into a lot of trouble. He thanked her for her time and wandered back towards the entrance.
Soon everyone regrouped and the headed to the tavern together, with the exception of Valeyo, who went around spreading word of his ideas in an attempt to make contact with the ICM. It wasn't a particularly successful night, with mostly the lower class people paying attention. Later in the evening, Otto attempted to emulate Natasha's ritual and commune with Sardior. When reaching out, he almost felt a connection, in that moment, he could ask a question that Sardior would answer. Otto asked "Where is Eletheria, or other followers" and he got a vision. He could see water, almost feeling and tasting it. He opened his eyes and could see the fins of sharks around him. After a blink, it all vanished.