Session 34 - Strange Bedfellows
Dirlagrauna approached Shiek and looked at him, asking if he knew who she was. When he confirmed it, she praised him for being smarter than the last holder. That man had borne the knife in his family for years, Imram Al Sharif got if from the Najiib beforehand and when the Fall happened he died and his family at the time claimed the knife and ran. Dirlagrauna or Malakagata had been stuck with the foolish family for a long time. She had been around since before the city. The Jibal found her after the Queen of Air and Darkness cursed her into the blade and threw her into a river. She then accidentally cut a hole into reality and fell into the desert. The Jill found her and used the power to rule Al Suan for its entirety and then the disaster happened. It clarified that Imraan al-Sharif , and mentioned a face-changing ceremony that he employed, part of Dirlagrauna's power.
Shiek asked if someone got the knife from Imraan al-Sharif, how Omar got it. This may be the same Omar Sharif who was a gold smuggler near Dragomir. She simply called Shiek unlucky, he wasn't ready for the ritual and choosing a successor would hurt him. But now with a family who isn't as ignorant, Dirlagrauna and Shiek can help each other and she can become free and rule her children once more. In return he would get the power to fulfil his dreams. Alternatively, he could not tap into the power and leave it dormant, she would simply try again with the next one. She asked if Shiek was bold or cautious and he said he was more cautious. She then told him to continue working towards his goals and she would contact him with a more specific ask. He asked if he was dead and she explained that she didn't know, he is stuck with the ritual unresolved, half-finished and she is unsure of what effects that would have. A flash of gold washed over him and he woke, sensing one of the displacer beasts in his bedroom.
In the morning the party split up, with Valeyo and Sapphira heading to the keep, and the others, minus Shiek going to Waukeen's walk. At the keep entrance they were halted, and asked their business. Valeyo said he was to meet the first Boyar with a complain as one of his friends had been killed by giants. The guard went pale and not wanting to deal with the angry citizen, let them pass. Eventually they were spotted by another boyar, who lead them to the First Boyar's office. There was a man looking out of the window of his office, a human in his 40-50s looking tired and wearing brown hair, now greying at the fringes and a goatee. He asked who they were and Valeyo introduced them once more. He made a joke about losing his limbs, but it didn't land. The First Boyar - Borrik, got close to Valeyo and asked, almost in a whisper, why they were making this complaint, what they hoped to accomplish. Valeyo touched the man's shoulder and used his ability to make himself understood, while speaking Velindese.
From there he told him about his night in the tavern and the town's good impression of Borrik, as well as the Emisar's actions. Borrik was taken aback and mentioned that Valeyo is lucky he was not one of the captured men. The others in the tavern were taken by the Emisar and interrogated, before being thrown in the street. They had words of the giants weeks in advance, knowing they were making their way there. The Emissar didn't allow them to send soldiers, as they were better served elsewhere. Borrik warned Valeyo not to mess with the Emisar, as he was an agent of the Crown itself. He arrived 3 years ago with his retinue and a large iron wagon and moved into the Sol Dome, taking charge overnight. When Borrik messaged the Crown he was told to know his place. He still retained control of the day to day, but major decisions he was second fiddle. Sapphira asked if they could help and Borrik said that him staying long was unusual. Last time they had one was 30 years ago, he strung up a few dissenters and left. Valeyo asked him his opinions on the Atanasoffs. He shared that they had done a great deal of good for the city. But their employees never stick around for long. They have made a great deal of effort to gain the Crown's favour. Valeyo thanked him for his information and told him they are on the same side. Borrik thanked them for dealing with the giants and they parted.
In Waukeen's Walk, the shopping group visited Diane, who gave their gemstones a quick appraisal. She had seen the elemental glass and mentioned it had applications in spell crafting and casting. She was completely confused by the Radiant Elemental Shards. She suggested taking it to the Conclaive, either in the Capital or Utusta. Other than that, she mentioned Enreldus might know more, as he was always smart. Milivoj asked after any local mages, but Diane could only suggest Iskra, pointing at another stall in the Walk, which dealt in magical items. Before leaving, they sold off most of the gems the group had procured from the mines. Their nest port of call was the blacksmith, where this time, were two drow. The stood over a box containing an enchanted suit of armour. The drow woman, which was not present the last time, wore an intricate sword at her side. Cassini's attention was grabbed, when further up towards the market there was a sudden silence. The man was Otto approached and asked who made his helmet. Otto explained that it was crafted by his father. The drown man smiled, saying that it was not enchanted, he had tested it, but he was unable to alter it. He had his sister hit it and her sword bounced off. He said that it acted as if it was magical, perhaps even more resilient that that, but it was not. He wanted to know who Otto's father is, but didn't recognize the name. Otto thanked him and apologized for wasting his time. The drow said that the time wasn't wasted as he was looking to learn how to enchant armour, hence the suit in the box - it was to study. Milivoj offered to sell him the Elemental Glass, but the man said he would need to speak to their master - Saeed Sharieff, who lived over in Otusta. He worked with the Conclaive.
Cassini turned to the market and noticed that someone of reverence must have been passing as people were parting. A half-elf, outwardly in his 20-30s in while gold treading and followed by a pair of knights, was walking down Waukeen's Walk. Cassini pointed the men out and Shiek recognized the knights, as the same ones from the temple. Otto looked around for any shields he could purchase and noticed one on the back of the drow woman. She asked him if he wanted to buy it, saying it was a good one. She offered it for 600gp and Otto agreed. As he was finishing his purchase, they heard a voice exclaim "Master Novosel." They turned to see the half-elf in the gilded robes there. He greeted Milivoj and gave his condolences for his brother, saying he had a lot of potential and was sorry to hear of his passing. Milivoj said he was uncertain who the man was and he introduced himself as Emisar Danil. He said he had heard Milivoj was in town and wanted to give his best, his brother had the potential to join the Emisars one day. He offered his assistance should Milivoj need anything while in town. From the look in his eyes, Milivoj could tell the man was probing for something. He heard they were travelling with a half-vampire, saying the last part rather quietly. Milivoj said he didn't know of it and the man waved it off, saying it was a curiosity of his. He the bid them farewell and continued onwards with his guards. Otto continued to finish his deal and noticed the drow were gone, soon they reemerged. The woman told Milivoj he was insane to speak to the Emisar. The brother seemed confused, but the sister told Milivoj to stay away, as the last person who spoke to the Emisar didn't have a happy ending.
They finished at the blacksmiths and went over to Iskra's Collected Marvels. There a dwarf woman in her 30s with her hair in a tight bun, wearing fine clothes manned the stall, which seemed to contain little more than an eclectic collection of stuff. Milivoj explained they were there for magical assistance, and showed her the Radiant Shards. She asked what it was from and he explained it was a glowing earth elemental. She spend a few minutes examining the shards. The said it was quite interesting and was a type of elemental glass. Elemental glass had different colour based on where it originated and its potency - more powerful nodes yield more powerful crystals and this one is very strong, around 10 times the potency of normal one. It could be turned into an elemental gem using the right runes. It can be used to enhance arms and armour, as well. As Milivoj thanked her and went to leave, she asked if he was interested in her wares, producing a pair of boots which could kick any door down, an amulet which will prevent sickness, an orb that prevents being lost, a cloak that makes him into a giant goat, a token that saves you if you fall. Milivoj asked about the orb and she said it always pointed north. They left the stall and Shiek messaged Valeyo telling him what happened.
Meanwhile outside the Fort, Sapphira and Valeyo were walking towards the Dragon Slayers. They wondered whether the "iron wagon" that was mentioned could be a train carriage and wondered where it could have been hidden for the last few years, as nobody had seen it since. Sapphira mentioned that the Emisar seemed like he was more interested in the power his position afforded him rather than the responsibility of it and Valeyo agreed. She made a point about how things were "back home" citing people like these as one of the reasons she had left. Valeyo told her that things have changed after the war and religion isn't a huge influence in Svenska. He asked when exactly Sapphira had left and she said it was during the War, when some of the Vampire Lords were still alive. Valeyo assured her that none remained. They were interrupted by Valeyo's Sending Stone, which relayed Shiek's message about their encounter with the Emisar. His questions about a half-vampire in particular stuck out to Sappghira and Valeyo, but told Shiek it must be a mistake and let them know that they are headed to the Dragon Slayers. The two of them wondered how the Emisar knew of Sapphira's nature. She theorized that he might want her for research as he didn't simply send guards to kill her, but seems to be looking for her instead. Valeyo said that would be odd considering the state religion was the worship of Pelor - a solar deity. Sapphira said she is used to people disliking vampire and Valeyo admitted to hating them himself. He clarified that he didn't hate Sapphira, but before getting to know her and realizing her situation he felt uneasy around her. She said she didn't blame him and the two continued walking.
Arriving at the Dragon Slayers, they found the pub empty except for Tomo, who was looming behind the bar. Valeyo greeted him and pointed out how dead the place was. Tomo smirked and said that this is the effect of armoured knights taking patrons into custody the following night. Valeyo agreed that was bad and Tomo asked him if he was responsible, to which Valeyo reluctantly agreed. The Minotaur told them to say what they were there for or leave and Valeyo came out questioning Tomo's affiliation with the I.C.M. Tomo asked them if they were insane, asking such questions in public after a raid, but Valeyo waved him off , saying he was clearly already on the Emisar's bad list, so there wasn't much to lose. To make him feel better, Valeyo woked his magic to help Tomo understand him when speaking Velindese. From Tomo they found out that he was part of the I.C.M and his marriage to Diane was coincidence. Valeyo asked about Thalia, but Tomo told him she wasn't there as she was attending and important rendezvous and he wouldn't tell Valeyo where she was. Valeyo proposed they work together to deal with the Emisar, as on this issue their goal align. Tomo agreed and they began exchanging information. Tomo also remembered the iron carriage and proposed that it may be hidden the caverns underneath the city. Suddenly the minotaur said he would "pour a special" and went to pour a pint, with nothing coming out, before going behind the bar to grab something.
After a few minutes, the remainder of the party arrived. They recounted their encounter with the Emisar, but were cagey talking about this in public. When Valeyo proposed dealing with the Emisar with the help of the I.C.M, Milivoj and Shiek were unsure about why they were getting involved. Valeyo explained his reasoning and focused on Milivoj's duties as a knight and the fact that the Emisar was the one responsible for the giants which had killed Ysomir. Convinced that a servant of the crown should not be allowed to knowingly let the king's subjects come to harm, Milivoj agreed that something had to be done. Otto mentioned the Emisar didn't seem to care much that Otto was following a banned religion. Valeyo asked if Emisars are typically that young and Ysomir explained that they are not a necessarily religious position, though some can be. Valeyo suggested they could get a party organized at Rubens and have him invite the important people from town, leaving their quarters unattended. Then some of the party could focus on getting information in the social setting, while others could snoop in the temple and elsewhere.
Suddenly Tomo said he was done and invited the group to follow him. He lead the party in the back room, where a woman stood. After a moment of looking at her, the party recognized her as Simona, who now looked completely different. She had two large horns in the front of her head and four small ones from the side. She looked at the group and said "Good to see you again."