Session 36 - Be Prepared
Otto performed his commune ritual to Saridor to try and gain some insight into what to do with the helmet and this Sky Stone Ruby. In his vision, he found himself on a road, a familiar one from a choice he had made. In the middle of it was Simona, standing there somewhat vacant, suddenly he felt another decision overcome him as she split and walked down 3 paths.
On the first she approached a devilish figure and sliced it across, making it disappear and continuing, before bowing to a regal figure wearing a crown, presumably King Dragomir. In the second one, she instead destroys her contract with the fiendish figure and a new one, grander and more important is formed. From there she transforms into a large devilish figure, ready to serve this fiend. On the third the fiend if cut down once more and faced with a choice between the kingdom and the people, she embraced the people, with the wings of Sardior raising behind her. After this, Otto woke up.
In the morning, Valeyo mentioned his intention to go to the Underhill and make contact with the ICM. Shiek and Cassini would keep an eye on the Dome, to see how many guards there are and any patrols they might have. Sapphira and Otto would stay in the tavern to be safe and Milivoj would come with Valeyo. Shiek donned the disguise that Valeyo had made for him and headed into the Dome, pretending to be a worshipper of Avandra.
In the Underhill things were still quiet, and he made it to the door of the Underhill Tavern. It was dug into the hill itself, the only construction being few load-bearing columns, while the rest of it was carved out. The tavern was busy, many patrons having come for a meal. The majority of the people inside the tavern were Dragonborn. Behind the bar was a burly dragonborn, without a tail, like all the others in this part of the world. He was a muddy colours with flecks of metallic orange. Valeyo introduced himself and asked the barman how this community formed. The man, Zenon, explained that generation ago, his people came from Velinde and travelled west to Ikoval. They arrived up north, but were never accepted and around 800 years ago, when Stendolin was founded, one of the founders, the dwarf man who build the Underhill gave it to the dragonborn as a gesture of good will. When Valeyo asked about their gods, the man said he didn't care. Most people there were as likely to worship Bahamut as someone like Pelor, personally many people were partial to Pelor. After the chat, the two of them were served breakfast.
In the Dome, Shiek found the elderly priest he had seen before as well as a slim dragonborn sweeping the floor. From the north-west part, some laughter could be heard, from what seemed to be a communal chamber for the priests. One of the armoured knights was guarding the Emisar's room. Written above the easter door were the words "Give thanks to the sun, for it lights the way." After a bit, a couple of priests came out of the mess and one opened the door to the south-east, revealing a library. A couple more priest soon followed to the library carrying a bag. An hour later, the temple began to fill up. From the mess emerged a dwarf emerged and asked for the people there for the morning ritual to follow him. Shiek joined them and they entered the chapel in the east section.
Cassini was on the outside of the temple, sitting in a tree, while transformed into a squirrel. After watching the movement of the guards for an hour, he could tell there were patrol routes, covered every 10 minutes, by more than one group. The Sila seemed to be generally friendly, acting as a part of the community, rather than enforcers of the law. The people appear to get along with them and are not afraid to ask for help.
In the tavern, a dragonborn walked in carrying a piece of parchment and began examining all of the patrons. Their eyes stopped on Otto and walked up to him asking if they were the people interested in the tunnels. She introduced herself as Aliki and said she was told to meet them as they might pay her to tell them about the caverns. Otto told her that they wanted to reach the catacombs through the caverns and she said there is a tunnel, but it is rather small. There are a few caverns that she knew of, but she hadn't explored all of them herself. She wondered if there is any more that she wished to know. Otto wasn't willing to tell her about their reasons and she said she understood. Before leaving she told them of a waterfall, which had a tunnel going through it, but it was only large enough for a lizard or a rat to squeeze through. Otto asked her if she was from the Underhill and she said that she had a house in one of the natural caverns, not the neighborhood itself.
Valeyo and Milivoj finished their breakfast and went to find the shed they were told about. In the back of it was a door, behind which was a gentle slope into the stone. After a 5 minute descend, it lead to a large natural cavern. Inside of it were many houses built into the stone. The two of them looked around for Simona and as they wandered through the narrow streets. They were given some curious looks, but were otherwise unmolested. From the look of it there were over 50 homes in the cavern and through the window of one of them, they saw a grey tiefling missing one horn - Blazh. Where his other horn would be, it was instead cut and there was something off about his face. Valeyo knocked on the door and an almost black-scaled dragon who asked them why there were there. Valeyo told him they wanted to meet an acquaintance of theirs, describing Blazh. The dragonborn told them to wait and headed into the room. What followed was a barrage of insults berating Blazh's carelessness, closing shutters and windows. The two followed into the room and saw Blazh, his horn cut and half of his face scarred by nasty acid burns. He was surprised to see them and seemed unaware of what they were doing with Simona. Valeyo explained and asked what happened to Blazh. The tiefling explained that it was interrogation, and his captured seemed intent on cutting him loose after. Valeyo warned him of the wanted posters that had been spread by the King's Guard. Valeyo offered his apologies and asked about the guide to the caverns. Blazh mentioned a person named Aliki. Valeyo asked him to send a runner and after messaging Simona, Blazh said it had already been done. Before leaving, Valeyo asked if all the people there were ICM and Blazh said they were not, just people who are different and need to feel safe. He pointed out that the cavern was being lit by a large artificial sun, which had been cast by the priests of Pelor. They had been kind to the dragonborn. Valeyo told him there would be more to talk about, but for the time being they had other things to tend to. On the way out, Valeyo asked Milivoj if torture was a regular part of the Sila's duties, but Milivoj said he wouldn't know. As for them intending to let Blazh go, he suggested that the orders may have come from higher up - the Face of the King.
Back in the temple, Shiek was talking to the elderly priestess he had met before. He insinuated that her help was due to her dislike of the Emisar's ways and she carefully agreed. He asked her for any help focusing on ways from the temple to the catacombs. She said that access could be provided after a request. The north-east entrance was off limits, as it connected to the Emisar's office, but the other three were open. Shiek asked to be shown the way there and the woman took the lead.
In the catacombs, she asked Shiek which one of the catacombs was his families. She asked if his family was wealthy, as the part they were currently in was for the wealthy, the east was for the Warriors. She walked up to the gate to the west and said "Give thanks to the sun, for it lights the way.", causing the door to open. She apologized for the damage and lead him to a large cavern, where the common were laid to rest, literally left on the floor. She mentioned the damage to the wall a few times, indicating a way in. Continuing north and making it to the north-western chamber, she stopped before one of the sarcophagi and said this must be it. Before continuing, Shiek asked her about the rumors of people being taken and beaten and she looked down and confirmed. She mentioned the room to the west, saying that is where that sort of stuff was known to happen and if it was evidence they were looking for, they would find it there. Shiek thanked her for her help and she warned him to be careful.
Eventually the party regrouped and shared their findings. Valeyo was confused as to why Sapphira and Otto hadn't asked about the way to reach the catacombs from the caverns. Shiek explained the layout and mentioned that crack in the catacomb's wall. He also mentioned that the evidence could be found in the room to the west. Valeyo went back to the Underhill, to get the direction through the caverns. Aliki was apologetic for giving directions even though she had been paid, but Valeyo waved it off, saying his friends should have asked. Finally they decided to all go through the cavern and then hit the 3 main points of interest - the iron wagon, the office and the interrogation room.