Session 37 - In the Sun's Shadow
Following Eliki's map, the party arrived at the gap in the catacomb's wall. Cassini lead the way and peered through the hole into the corridor. The coast seemed clear and he allowed Shiek to move to the front. He checked out the central burial chamber, where carved column stood. Having entered through the west side, they decided to loop around south to try and reach the Emisar's office. Otto cast detect traps and detected 2 present: One to summon something when interacted and another is a test, which when failed would animate objects.
After being told that, Valeyo squeezed his way to the front to scan through the gate for any traps. The gate itself had the test, involving more than just a pass-phrase. Deciding to try the cavern first, Otto cast Detect Magic and approached. The pillar had an aura of conjuration indicating it was likely the summoning trap. Walking past it and deeper into the central caver, the group could see a few more chambers and eventually, breaches into the main corridor, past the gates. In the south-east, the sarcophagi seemed more intricately decorated compared to the previous chambers.
Otto lead the way to the north-east, stopping when he heard footsteps coming from the north, followed by the voice of the Emisar saying "Ivan, check on Ivanov and then feed Kachy, see if they need a swap.", followed by a few more sets of footsteps and someone going upstairs. The party fell back and decided to send Cassini as a spider to check if the way north-east was clear. He saw nobody present, but the room to the north-east was the most opulent of the tombs so far. In the back of it as another, larger gate and two angel statues.
Returning to the south-west Cassini cast dispel magic on the door and it opened. As Shiek walked in, the gate shut behind him and a suit of armour hidden in the back animated together with a pair of swords. He ran upstairs and barricade the door. Milivoj tried to enter the room by speaking the phrase confidently and walked inside. Combat ensued.
During combat Shiek jumped into an open coffin and had the Knight walk past him open the door and call out "Ivanov, I think someone has been here, the cupboard has been knocked over.". They then had a quick conversation about whether it really matters, before one of them was sent to rest, while the other guarded the door.
Downstairs the others stuffed what remained of the animated items between the sarcophagi, while the Silence was still up. Shiek stayed upstairs for a while waiting for things to quiet down. As they were moving Otto send a message to Shiek and they updated each other about the situation.
Upstairs Shiek put a trail of items to lead the guard downstairs and then opened the door once more, hopping into the coffin and baiting the guard in. He then heard the footsteps of the guard walk down the stairs, before popping out and steaking into the main room.
In front of the north-east room, Sapphira opened the door and as she did, one of the angel statues came alight with sunlight and looked at her. She backed off and let Otto go first. As Otto entered, on the pedestal a real angel appeared and spoke to him, saying that in the bowels of this place is undeath and the party has brought more with them. Otto explained that Sapphira was not a threat and the angel decided to judge it for itself beckoning Sapphira to walk forward. The angels turned towards her and asked "WHAT ARE YOU?". She said she what she had always been, Sapphira. The angel said that she reeked of the stench from beneath the catacombs, but doesn't burn in their light. They then asked what they planned on doing here. She said they would deal with the creature and the angels nodded saying that should she fail, the sun shall burn her forevermore.
Meanwhile, upstairs Shiek was trying to pick the lock into the interrogation room, but found it to be of quite advanced construction. Eventually he made it in and found a magic circle drawn on the floor. Boxes were stacked in the corner of the room all bearing a logo of a ship with the words WORLDWARES SHIPPPING beneath. Some of them were open and contained vials, flasks, burners and other alchemical supplies. A piece of parchment was on top of one of the boxes, which read "Shipping from Duktig to /---------/". Parts of the boxes were also covered in blood.
Valeyo used the Sending stone and told Shiek what had happened, he then climbed to the Emisar's office and opened the door using knock allowing Shiek to rejoin the group. On the way he grabbed papers from the Emisar's desk, including day-to-day documents and a receipt for a Ring of Fire Resistance and a Ring of Protection. In the tower was a book case and a chest. The books were focused on fiends, necromancy and dealing with external entities. A particular book stood out, it was covered in purple binding and the spine was like a tower of fire. It reminded Sheik of when Milivoj caught aflame. Deciding to deal with that on the way out, he rejoined the group and they descended past the angel statues.
About 20ft down the stars, the walls became much nicer, finely carved stone and the floor was replaced with coloured tiles. The corridor lead to a larger room which had a number of pillars. A person was suspended from the pillar using magic. In the centre was an altar covered in blood and in the north end a desk covered with papers and a bookshelf.
They decided to grab the items on the way out and while Shiek picked the lock of the next door he shared what he had found upstairs. Colour drained from Valeyo and Sapphira at the mention of Duktig and they explained it had been the seat of power for one of the Vampire Lords back in Velinde - Countess Tilda Lundstrom.
Descending the stairs, they began to hear the sound of a waterfall. The arrived at a dark, simple room and there was a stone door with a writing saying "Caution, do not proceed past this point". Otto opened the door and beyond was a small room with a number of stakes and hammers. A single bridge lead away from the room, going over a large cavern. On it stood one of the knights, looking away at a waterfall falling from nowhere. In the middle of them was an iron coffin with 2 gemstones next to it giving off daylight. A large amount of plant life had sprouted in the cavern under these conditions. More rushing water was in the south.
Echoing from the cavern, the ones outside the Silence heard a voice boom and say "That was not very nice.". A large round creature with 1 big eye and many tentacled eyes descended from the ceiling. It began shooting beams at the party. As the knight turned around, a familiar violet flame burned in his eyes.