Session 40 - Flash Back
Borrik rounded the corner back into the holding room, asking what he wasn't going to go for. Valeyo waved it off and asked if they had investigate the temple. The First Boyar said that it is still happening, but he needs to be told what happened. The party shared what transpired and about the captured man, the Knight and the vampire. The First Boyar was dubious, holding his nose and shaking his head. He was worried about the vampire ,but Valeyo told him to focus on other things. Otto brought up the dead priest and the captured man in the depths of the temple. After describing the clothes worn by the priest as well as the blue gemstone near it, the Boyar recognized it as the holy symbol of the high priest. Saying that he believed them, but they were still people of interest, Borrik ordered them not leave town and provide a full written report of what happened and what they had taken. When asked if they could go to the Atanasoff estate and he agreed, provided they were escorted by members of the Sila. With that they left the fort.
Walking back, the situation in town became apparent. A thin layer of dust had risen in the north part of town and the streets were busy with people trying to ascertain what happened. On the way, walking towards the keep was Diane Atanasoff with her assistant. She asked if they are alright and offered for them to stay at the Town Mansion, but they declined. They told her the Emisar was dead and she praised them for it, saying he was not a good man. Eventually the two of them continued towards the fort.
The group returned to the Golden Circle and a man immediately run up to them asking what happened. He misheard Valeyo and started talking about them destroying the tower. Valeyo sat down and told the patrons a story of what happened, skewing them to distrust the Emisar. After going upstairs, the spellcasters amongst the group noted that the magic of the Emisar had required no components. Valeyo turned to Milivoj asking about the Violet Flame, but the knight didn't know what the flame was. He had met the cult who possess these powers before. His brother died to it. The official story was that they were ambushed by bandits and everyone but Milivoj was killed. Valeyo asked if the Emisar tried to get his brother to join, but Milivoj said it was the opposite. Before Milivoj was a knight, he had friends who he travelled with, similar to now, all chomping at the bit to serve the kingdom. They would fight those the Sila or the Boyar wouldn't and it was going well. Until they hear news of trouble going in the forest, as had his brother. The two of them went separately to investigate, Milivoj with his friends and his brother with the priests. Initially they thought it was just rumors, but it truly was a cult. They captured his brother and in the attempt to rescue him, his friends were killed, Milivoj barely escaping with his brother's corpse. It was a scandal at court and his father concocted the story about the bandits. In the fight, Milivoj was too busy fighting a spellcaster to help his friends and physically he was largely unharmed, but some of the magic had infected him. Otto asked if Ysomir was the first time it manifested, but Milivoj said it had happened once before, when hunting with his father. They truly were attacked by bandits and Milivoj was knocked out. When they returned, his father was speaking to his priests about exiling Milivoj to overseas, so when he heard King Dragomir was coming and decided to pledge himself to him, to avoid that and become a wandering knight. One of the reasons he brought Ysomir, was to help find a way to lift the curse.
Valeyo asked if his brother was looking to join the Emisar, but Milivoj said that was unlikely. He believed that this cult may have tried to recruit his brother, as the heir to a powerful house. His brother's name was Vojmir. Before going to bed, Otto mentioned a vision he had had that he would share tomorrow. They all went to rest.
In the morning while having breakfast, Shiek took out the bag of platinum and they shared it. Shiek wondered why the Emisar had a Ring of Fire Protection specifically and Valeyo theorized he may have had dealings with the Fire Giants. Otto sent a message to Professor Berkinsail, asking if he is alive and where he was. He responded saying he was alive, but didn't know where he was, he is in a room with no door and asked for help. He shared that with the party, saying the man could still be a traitor, but it was less likely. They then lamented not having a better name for the squiggly line boys, but continued conversing, Milivoj proposing that the Boyar's letter may have been given a false response due to bureaucracy. As for the week, Milivoj suggested relaxing for once.
Valeyo wanted to speak to Simona, which prompted Otto to share his vision. He shared that she has a number of choices ahead of her, one a devilish figure, one King Dragomir, one Sardior and one an empty path. Sapphira asked the group to go the Skalenvru when they can. Valeyo, Milivoj and Sapphira headed to the Dragon Slayers tavern to meet with Tomo. The tavern was quite busy with it being lunchtime. The minotaur looked at them quite concerned. Valeyo asked what the word on the street it and Tomo told him that the tower apparently collapsed in a dark magic ritual and some people were involved. When Valeyo asked if anyone particularly misses him, to which a person started singing a happy song about his death. Tomo did warn him that a hotshot from the capital might be turning up soon. Tomo also suggested the group spoke to the First Boyar. Diane apparently suggested to him that he waited before informing the capital. Milivoj said that this is probably gaining time to do his own investigation, before the capital floods them here. Valeyo went to leave, but before he did, Tomo gave him a small piece of paper which when unfolded had the a time and a date for a protest for voted government.
When leaving, Miliovoj said that the Crown won't care for the people's opinion, but Valeyo argued they would have to, if enough people gather. Suddenly everyone heard a crack of thunder from the east. Both groups went to investigate and there were people coming out of their homes to check what it was. The guards seemed concerned and something was happening east of the city. Cassini asked one of the ones at the east gate, what happened. The man almost jumped, telling Cassini that they are not allowed to leave, but didn't know what it was. Cassini send a bird familiar to investigate. The others eventually caught up and were filled in on what happened. Valeyo requested the guards take them east. After a few minutes, some guards who were assigned to the task came out and warned them that if they flee or try anything they will be labeled criminals. They left together with the guards and after slightly more than an hour, Cassini's bird returned and conveyed the idea of "person, big, big, big" to him and he told the group there may be a giant involved, so they hurried up.
Eventually they arrived at the Atanasoff estate. The gates were intact, but there was a scorch mark next to them 40ft across. The guards looked on edge or excited, but it was hard to tell at a distance. One of them walked out to meet them and asked why they were there. Valeyo said they were visiting, but the guard warned him that there is already a guest. Valeyo told him that everyone in town was aware and the guard laughed, saying it almost gave him a heart attack. Cassini asked if it was a giant and the guard confirmed. While doing that, Sapphira suggested that Otto ask Professor Berkinsail if he heard the sound, but he didn't seem to have, and begged to be freed.
Valeyo asked if they could enter and the man told him that they should be careful as it would be clear who they are dealing with. From what Valeyo could gather, Giants are rate in the south and not that important. In the north, where Otto is from, giants are numerous and due to their competition are seen as dangerous, whereas south it is a good omen to spot one. Following the main road, up to the estate, the group saw a giant sat facing towards the house. He seemed to be casually talking to someone and as they approached they saw it was Ruben. The conversation seemed like that of two friends catching with each other. On approach, Otto and Milivoj had the sense that this was someone important - a storm giant. Neither of them had seen one of the legendary creatures, who sit atop the hierarchy of giantkind. Eventually Ruben noticed them and when the giant did, he stood up and asked Ruben if they were friends of his. Ruben told him to head to the lake and he would meet him there. Ruben said it was unexpected to see them and Valeyo explained they were worried for Vincent. Ruben chucked and asked if they had heard it from town. He said that Lucas, would be headed into town tomorrow. The two of them met in Klipperkant in circumstances Ruben doesn't remember and hit it off.
Valeyo told him the Emisar was dead and Ruben was quite shocked. When asked what he through of him, Ruben said he didn't really know him, only having met him once at a shindig at Diane's which she occasionally hosts. They let Ruben catch up with Lucas, while they went to meet Vincent. They were lead in by the half-orc head of the house and announced in Vincent's room. It seemed to be his childhood room, refitted for his work with tools and desks. Valeyo said Vincent looked busy, but he said that he hates it there. As for the thunder Vincent didn't find it loud, even though the others felt it in the town (meaning there might be some insulation or magic). Vincent explained that this place is oppressive, there always being someone behind him. They told him about the squiggly line people and the I.C.M being different. The suggested he came with them into town tomorrow, but he was wary. They insisted, as they would be safe from Ruben overhearing and he could meet Diane. Valeyo asked about his research and Vincent said that it is harder without the capital's resources, but recently he tried to make a wagon, propelled with his batteries, but it blew up. His brother was very interested in it as a way to transport goods. He also took interest in the train, intending to visit the train once it was finished.
After this Valeyo said he would take a walk and Vincent told him to be careful. Cassini suggested setting up his telescope for Vincent and himself to which the man enthusiastically agreed. Using See Invisibility Valeyo made his way through the kitchens and into the gardens. There he could see the lake where the silhouette of Lucas could be seen sitting down. A small glade was near there. In the garden, magic was everywhere. The lights, the fountains, the bushes all had minor enchantments. Going around a corner a stream fell over a small waterfall, clearly shaped, rather than natural. A magical source, with a divination aura, could be felt behind the waterfall. Now aware of the cavity, it became even more obvious that the waterfall was man made, with a pathway caved to go behind it. Otto almost slipped, but caught himself and pointed out the spot for Valeyo. Behind the water was a small space, where a stone pedestal with an iron circlet placed on top stood. At the far end was an iron door, when opened it had a stone wall behind it. Looking at the circlet it was quite simple iron and had two pointes pointing upwards.
In the stables, Sapphira was looking at the horses. They appeared to be under good care, quite pampered and of very good stock. She spent some time talking to the horses for a couple of hours, second guessing herself and talking about life. Cassini was setting up his telescope with Vincent. After a while, he saw Otto and Valeyo coming back from the garden and noticed a member of the serving staff following them.