Session 41 - Legacy
As Otto and Valeyo were walking back to the others, a call for dinner could be heard coming from inside. Cassini let Otto and Valeyo know about the person tailing them, but they were not surprised. The group prepared to head into the dining room and noticed that the giant was laying down in the distance. Eventually they made it into a large dining room where Vincent was waiting. After a short while Ruben entered, carrying a bottle of spirit. The dinner was in a smaller room opposite the main dining hall, where a table for 8 was setup. Ruben took his place at the head and rang a bell to call the servants. He apologized for the rushed service, as they didn't expect them. As he said that, from a door which blended into the wall, came a line of staff who served them a feast. Ruben lifted the bottle he had brought and said it was a special strong brew from Moratopp. Otto recognized it as Cloud-top Liqueur, worth around 300gp a bottle.
During dinner, Valeyo asked if it was typically just Ruben and Vincent. He asked if Ruben was a family man, but Ruben said it was complicated. He was pursuing someone, but has been unsuccessful so far. A man of his stature needs the right match. Valeyo asked about Lucas, and Ruben said he didn't expect him either, but he just wanted a place to stay. He offered to put in a good word with Lucas so that he waits for them. They told him they would take Vincent with them to meet Diane and Tomo and Ruben said he hadn't met Tomo himself. He assumed that Tomo being of a lower stock, didn't like him too much.
When Valeyo brought up the waterfall, Ruben was confused, saying that all that stuff in the gardens was designed by a person his father hired. Shiek wondered how old the house was and Ruben said it was built by their father, he offered to find out who designed the gardens for them after dinner. Throughout the whole dinner, there were always at least 3 staff members in the room. After being asked about his involvement in politics and community, he said he was a big community figure, but didn't care for politics. He was a Politics man and has even hosted King Dragomir here a number of times. Valeyo asked again about the gardens saying he wanted to get his own place done up back home and Ruben was happy to help. As far as the Emisar was concerned, he considers his death a big deal for the court and had a level of respect for their office, but not this one personally. Throughout the rest of the dinner Ruben kept bragging and Shiek was keeping an eye on the servants, one of which was the one to follow Valeyo and Otto back. Shiek noticed something odd, whenever one of the servants filled his cup, he noticed they seemed to all have the same perfume scent. Rather strong and distinct, they all seeming having the exact same one. With the gift of Malakagata, Shiek could sense a level of illusion to all the servants, but something was preventing him of seeing through it fully, another layer behind the illusion, protecting it.
After dinner finished Ruben told them they could go to the drawing room while he gets the name of the landscaper. Vincent immediately tried to go back upstairs but Valeyo stopped him. Vincent said he would rather do something he cared for than stay and Valeyo let him go. The party went into the drawing room, where a number of soft chairs surrounded a table with more drinks. They were shown in by Lazlo and were left there alone. Shiek began theorizing why they are doing the perfume and all that. Milivoj said that no noble would do it, but he supposed that a rich commoner might find it interesting. While talking, Shiek began wandering the room, to see if anyone was listening in, but all he noticed is Lazlo standing guard on the other side of the door.
A few minutes later Ruben stepped into the room carrying something in a frame, about the size of a book page. On it was a picture of a Tiefling man, labeled Lance Kafyavo. Ruben said the man must be ancient at this point, he isn't sure if he was local. Ruben told him that they have multiple signed pictures of him including a bust in the gardens. The man seemingly loves to sign his work. Valeyo prepared to head to the gardens and Ruben said he would head to let Lucas know they would travel with him. Shiek asked if Lucas arrived in the lightning bolt and Ruben confirmed, but claimed he didn't really know how he does it. The last time they had met had been similar, 5 years ago. The group was then left alone and they started walking towards the waterfall. On the way there Shiek noticed that a gardener was following them around, while pretending to be tending to the plants. Shiek went to chat to the gardener giving the others time alone. Shiek asked him may questions about his past and Ruben. The man said his father was the gardener before and he was born here. It is a good job and people like to stay after getting a job there.
Behind the waterfall Valeyo began explaining their theories about the circlet eventually putting it on. When he did, sound could be heard from the other side of the door, when opening it, an beautiful garden was on the other side. The others could not see it, unless wearing the circlet. Soon after a tiefling woman, entered into frame and asked if they needed the master. Valeyo said they did and she went away, returning with a horned woman with red feathery wings who approached the door, looking Valeyo up and down and asking who he might be. Valeyo said that he was a friend of the family and explained to the others what he was seeing. The woman then stepped up to the window and said she was the Guardian of Garden of Delights and asked again who he was. He introduced himself and asked if she knew Ruben's father and she confirmed she was aware of him. Valeyo asked if she had a name, but she insisted that the was just the Guardian. She told him that if they truly were friends of the family, they better talk to Lazlo. Valeyo told her they would speak soon enough and she said they would see. He let the others know what had happened and they started walking out.
Shiek was having a hard time keeping the gardener much longer and the man dashed off towards the waterfall. He arrived just as the others were leaving and with some quick deception they made it seem they had not found anything. They now started making their way back to the house, but decided to look for the marble bust Ruben had mentioned. It was around the front of the house, surrounded by hedges with a small path leading to it. It depicted the same tiefling man from the picture. Shiek began investigating it and when pushing one of the eyes felt it go in with a click. From the other eye a projection was lighting Shiek's chest. He stepped back and spread his cloak to see the image better. The projection depicted an image of the house and in front of it Vincent and Ruben's parents together with many of the staff together with Lance Kafyavo. Baby Ruben was in his mother's hands. What caught their eye was the Lazlo and some of the rest of the staff didn't look much younger, as if unaffected by time.
They began talking about what this means especially with the illusions. What they found odd was that Ruben seemed unaware of this. Sapphira couldn't see anyone listening in and they began making their way in. They returned and met with Lazlo, who initially evaded their questions, but eventually opened up when the Guardian was mentioned. He asked what they wished to know and Valeyo said they brought Vincent here for his safety, but it seems that might not be case. Lazlo assured him that Vincent was safe, but they wanted more. The half-orc explained that they are not mortal and are the legacy of the acts. Their father's actions are part of a wider events that Lazlo is there to protect. Both him and the guardian are fiends and Lazlo server her and his master - The Dark Prodigy Glasya. Valeyo asked if they served the Atanasoffs. Lazlo said they are more aligned than they thought as they are in the process of dethroning Dragomir. Lazlo said it was well-known that Dragomir conquered this land, but it is not well known that a large portion of the power he assembled is from gifts Asmodeus. That deal has become unprofitable, so the Dark Prodigy has had it suggested by her father that they intervene. The deal Dragomir made was inherited by his descendants. The lord of the hells, gifted some allies from across the world to Dragomir, as well as a large volume of hellfire metal, which he made weapons with. Those were their profit, but are now long gone or buried or destroyed.
When asked about the squiggly symbol, he said he would trade knowledge for it, but Valeyo refused. Sheik questioned him about the Sky Stone and Lazlo said that it has many uses, the ones blessed by the Stormlord being particularly destructive. Valeyo asked about their plans, if they intended to just poison Dragomir when he visits. Lazlo said it wasn't anything that mundane, and some of their plans the party had witnessed, saying it was a shame that the train didn't blow up. Valeyo pointed out that they are the ones who planted the seeds for that plan in Blazh's head, to which Lazlo said that they have many gardeners, planting many seeds. They asked what is next and Lazlo said they could work together, which Valeyo instantly refused, saying he didn't agree with their methods. He asked why fiends needed to bother them and Lazlo told him they always need souls for the war. Following that they went to the guests' quarters to sleep.
In the morning, they met Vincent who had packed a couple of bags. Lazlo informed them that Lucas was waiting for them outside the grounds. They met him there, where their escorting guards also waited, talking with Lucas. They introduced themselves and stared walking with Lucas. They asked what brought him to Stendolin and the giant said that there was a distress call from one of his order. Shiek asked if he was of the Stormstrike and he confirmed. They told him they knew who he was there for, saying it was Rune. Lucas responded loudly asking if they meant the vampire and they quickly tried to cover it up in front of the guards. When asked how he appeared, he said he lived near where Klipperkant could be in a different plane and he simply stepped in. The thunder was a result of his nature and station, an announcement of sorts. He said that long ago he was wounded and he fell near Klipperkant, with their aid and some encouragement from Annum, he joined. Shiek asked what it is they do outside of defending Klipperkant. Lucas said that they also go on quests to put people in their place, when they become too big for their breeches. They have a couple of oracles, who receive word from Kord and then it gets passed around. Valeyo wondered how his friendship with Ruben came to be. Lucas said he is a wealthy and foolish individual, who has donated a fortune to the Stormstrike in an attempt to get in Lucas' good books. Lucas' isn't sure why he did it, but it is probably a political move that Ruben hopes to leverage, but that won't quite work.
Shiek asked what his plan was once he was in town, if he just planned on standing out and waiting to be found. Valeyo decided to come forward with their story about Rune. He went over freeing him and the Emisar using him for tests. Eventually they shared stories about Kelmar and Vusbar the Mighty. The conversation returned to Ruben and Valeyo wondered if Lucas knew who he was courting. Lucas didn't care but said with the money he was throwing around, he might end up with royalty. Milivoj was certain that in this part of Dragomir, no noble would mix his blood for money. The Yuzhen or Otgore, might allow it if their prowess in battle was good enough. Lucas wondered if Milivoj was defending his sister or something, but Milivoj said that one of his sisters is already married and the other is 13 and betrothed.
As they neared town, Lucas told them to go ahead and he would make his entrance after if they want to watch. As they did, he clapped his hands and thunder erupted. From there a light rose to the sky and it began to darken. Shiek asked how strong a frost giant is, becoming worried at the prospect of fighting one. Valeyo told him of the Control Weather's uses in the war and how it was banned. He spoke of the peace in his continent. Walking towards town, they soon saw Lucas fly into the air at tremendous speeds. Clouds gathered around him and rain started falling down. From the clouds, he clapped his hands and a bolt of lightning struck in front of the Dome. After the flash there was Lucas in a dramatic pose. The people around were shaking, with an air of fear, as Valeyo clapped. Lucas' voice boomed as he said he is there for a member of the Strormstrike clan and once he was there they could leave. The party stood there chatting, Valeyo mentioned that he slightly hoped that Lucas would kill Rune if his faith is false. Shiek asked if gods do that, having never spoken to his. Valeyo asked who he worshiped and Shiek explained that he followed Avandra, a leftover of how he was raised. Lucas continued holding the pose and sometime later, they could see the First Boyar with some guards. On their approach the Boyar asked how they could help and Valeyo approached. He explained the situation with Rune and the Stormstrike. Borrik shared that they had recovered the knight, the captive and the remains of the head priest Nikolas. The captured man was still unconscious and they didn't see what they had meant about things being stolen. Valeyo said that the angel might have closed the path. Borrik looked at Lucas and called out that they need to speak to the man he is waiting for before they leave. The giant broke his pose, by slowly looking down at the man.