Campaign 1
Show Session Notes
Main Characters
Main Themes
Centring on the continent of Velinde, the members of the Order of the Brown Dragon seek to protect the innocent from disasters, otherworldly invasions and themselves.
Campaign 2
Show Session Notes
- Session 1 - Beginnings
- Session 2 - Forgive and Move On
- Session 3 - Of Cats and Men
- Session 4 - Craven Courtier
- Session 5 - Great Hunt
- Session 6 - Murmurs of Konskirav
- Session 7 - Konskirav's Most Wanted
- Session 8 - A Tale of Two Ports
- Session 9 - Evasion and Impersonation
- Session 10 - Oozing Curiosity
- Session 11 - Ill Omen
- Session 12 - Misfortune Manifested
- Session 13 - Forgotten Trap
- Session 14 - The Capital
- Session 15 - Academic Pursuits
- Session 16 - Rowboat Diplomacy
- Session 17 - A Study in Ashes
- Session 18 - Through the Grapevine
- Session 19 - Impenetrable
- Session 20 - Mammal Attack
- Session 21 - Under the Sea
- Session 22 - Creeping Cold
- Session 23 - Guidance of the Moon
- Session 24 - The Engineer
- Session 25 - Silent Night
- Session 26 - A Friend in Need
- Session 27 - Crossroads
- Session 28 - The Thief of Opportunity
- Session 29 - Charging the Windmills
- Session 30 - Prodigal Son
- Session 31 - Talc Tactics
- Session 32 - Hunger of the Earth
- Session 33 - I Spy
- Session 34 - Strange Bedfellows
- Session 35 - Best Laid Plans
- Session 36 - Be Prepared
- Session 37 - In the Sun's Shadow
- Session 38 - The Right Thing
- Session 39 - In Death Comes Rebirth
- Session 40 - Flash Back
- Session 41 - Legacy
- Session 42 - Gathering the Pieces
Main Characters
Main Themes
15 Years from the end of Campaign 1, the continent of Ikoval is troubled with the at least some terrorism, a bit of fascism and, massive locomotive project stuck in the middle.